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Forget Bitcoin, the only currency that matters in 2018 is attention.
The Attention Economy of today is what decides who gets to the top.
Because there is so much worthless content out there vying for your attention.
Seriously, the bar is set so low today it gives people like you and me a big opportunity. It’s our unfair advantage, so long as we take the time to actually create relevant awareness at all times.
Because if you capture someone’s attention today, you practically own their wallet.
Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But as you build their trust, they will become your customer. In fact, scratch that… not just your customer, but an advocate who has your back.
Isn’t this what you want?
Loyalty like this is how you scale, and it’s so easy to create these days. As long as you don’t do what everyone else does 😉
So forget bitcoin. It’s cool. It’s exciting. If you have some spare cash, invest in it by all means. And who knows, maybe one day it will become the currency we all use.
But not today. No… today, the only currency you need to think about is ATTENTION.
I talk about it some more in this super short video.
You might want to check it out if you would like to become the “GO TO” expert in your niche this year.
I only scratch the surface in this video, but everything that comes next focusses on Omnipresence + Relevance (and The Relevancy Funnel). So if you like what you see today… if it captures your own attention… dive deeper and discover everything else I have to share.
Because when it comes to creating your best year yet, this is all you need.
This video offers a taste, so check it out now.
And when you do, be sure to Subscribe + Like + Comment on Youtube. I want other people just like you to experience this, and Youtube does a great job of putting relevant content in front of relevant people.
It’s why I’m on Youtube these days. We get each other 😉
Anyways… dive in and watch now. This is 80 seconds well worth your time.