Scott’s Thoughts

Do you respect your season? (Going downstream…)

I wanted to make sure you remembered something so extremely important today…

Respect your season…

No matter if it’s a season of hustle…

a season of play…

of hardship, or of lots of laughter.

Embracing the season your in, right now…

For a week, for the month, or for the year is critical.

It’s so hard to do this…

There’s so many things we think we’re supposed to do…

So many people we compare ourselves against…

Yet… here we are…

Every day, the majority of society going against their cycles…

Wishing their season away.

When I was a million dollars in debt…

I wish I embraced that experience.

I’ll never experience it again.

When I worked 18 hours a day and didn’t know if I could pay the bills –
that’s a once in a lifetime feeling.

When I spent most of my day crying and thought I was going to die
because of the “dark night of soul”, I wish I didn’t wish it away.

Have you ever been in a moment and wished it away?

Your working and you say…

“I can’t wait until __

Then you get there and you think…

“I can’t wait until __

With more and more time on this planet, I’ve found that the most
important thing we can do is to enjoy every moment, for what it’s
bringing us.

And then… enjoy the next season.

Enjoy this season of your life…

This season of your kids…

This season of your relationship…

And know that you can’t ever keep this season.

That each season is going to bring all the lessons you’re suppose to

Instead of waiting for the next thing…

Knowing that every season will pass…

and you simply get the lessons and the memories.


No matter what your experiencing…

Presence in that moment…
Even if, it’s not that fun.
Or even if, it’s the most fun.

Is the key to no regrets
and never feeling like the “good ole days” have passed.

This too shall pass

compare yourself less

You’re never behind

always on top and always
flowing, effortlessly downstream.

  • Scott

Written By Scott Oldford

Updated Weekly

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