2019… I eliminated sales calls… 100% text-to-close only…
In 2021… I eliminated almost all calls from my calendar that weren’t those people paying me.
In 2022… I eliminated calls besides my highest paid program, halved group calls & now have 8, 30 minute slots of time per week for calls, all which I do while walking…
In each instance…
My impact became stronger and have had more depth.
I adopted better and new ways of mentoring and advising that didn’t require something that I didn’t want to do as much.
When I switched to no sale calls…
My conversion rate went up.
When I switched to less calls in my programs, people got more results because they didn’t needed calls, they needed real time feedback.
When we go for what is in alignment with the best way we work and serve, harmony occurs.
In the process, did I lose clients who didn’t like that? Yep.
Did I lose people I could of closed on the phone? Yep.
And… that’s okay.
Designing the right way of your business and life and building what works the best allows for your highest level of presence which is what people much of the time will pay for…
Can anyone do that?
It started in 2018…
Knowing what my life wanted to be…
And knowing I didn’t want to be on back to back phone calls…
Because for me…
I’m cool making way less money…
If it means being on less phone calls that didn’t need to happen in the first place.
And now?
When I am on the phone?
I’m ready, I’m there. I’m excited.
You CAN build your life so you’re almost always excited.
People are just too afraid to do it.
And are too afraid of what people will think…
Or they will somehow “miss out”.
It takes time.
But all great things do.