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Entrepreneur Struggles
Entrepreneur struggles come in all shapes and sizes, but one of the biggest fears struggling entrepreneurs face is the fear they aren’t good enough.
Do you feel worthy of success?
Deep down, do you believe you deserve success, money, authority, and everything that comes with it?
Often it isn’t the fear of failure that gets in your way, rather the fear of success.
I can relate to this. This used to be me.
I thought I knew what I wanted. I thought I was a confident person. But a lot of the time I was afraid.
But looking back, I wasn’t afraid of failing. I failed a lot. I hit some really rough patches.
I knew what it was like, and although it sucks, it didn’t end me.
But the thought of success… real success?
I didn’t know how to handle that. I “wanted” to blow up and become huge, but I certainly held back. And now, I realize it’s because I was more afraid of success than I was of failure.
And it comes down to the worry that I’m not good enough.
I imagine the same applies to you.
You know you are and you know you have what it takes, but there’s a fear within you that always speaks to you.
So you hold back. You play it safe. You self sabotage.
You don’t go all in.
If you can relate, you will love this video I recorded for you.
It dives into the real world of entrepreneurship, and asks the question: are you worthy of success?
The answer is almost always yes.
You just have to dive in and make it happen.
So watch now and find out how 😉
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