Mentor and Investor
for Online Businesses

Mentor and Investor for Online Businesses

Million in the Red
I was $1 million in debt by the time I was 21 years old and by the time I was 31 I had a net worth over $10 million. This book shares my biggest lessons, strategies, tactics and mindset upgrades that allowed me to go from broke to wealthy as an Entrepreneur.

Who’s Scott?
At 8 years of age I made my first $20,000 selling eggs from the chickens on my parents acreage. By 16 I had a 7-figure web and marketing agency. At 21, after what felt like a lifetime of experience I lost it all and went into a million in debt.
Today, over 10 years later I’m one of the top business mentors, advisors and investors in the Online Business Space. My frameworks and strategies have been read by millions of Entrepreneurs. I’ve helped over 200 Entrepreneurs scale past 7-figures in their busines and I partially own over 50 businesses in the online space.

When I ask someone why they love to be around me, work with me or be a business partner with me they say something like the following…
“I’ve never found someone who has such depth with strategies and tactics… embodied in the masculine/feminine and while having deep connection to the mindset and spirituality aspect of business.”
I’ve been doing this for a long time. I don’t believe that life starts “after” your success, rather, you become the best version of who you are through the journey of success.
Further, when people ask… “You’ve made enough money… why do you do what you do?”
I reply… “In truth, money hasn’t been a motivator for a very long time.
In 2020, I took 6 months as a sabbatical to ask the question. What do I really want to do with the rest of my life.
It came down to helping change our education system, media empires, optimizing human performance+potential and elevating the ability for humans to become the best version of themselves.
Once I had clarity on my direction– everything changed. Today I write books to help Entrepreneurs, I’m the business partner of over 50 Entrepreneurs, I mentor 100’s of Entrepreneurs and my content is consumed by over half a million entrepreneurs each month.
Quite simply– I help Entrepreneurs become legendary through the Wisdom I’ve earned since being on planet earth. Simply passing on what I’ve discovered so those that are a few steps before me have an easier time than I’ve had.

When it comes to scaling an Online Business, I’m one of the best.
For me, it comes simple. Like tying velcro shoes.
I regularly help people go from $10K/mo to $50K/mo with a simple phone call.
I’ve helped people go from $20K/mo to $500K/mo in less than a few years.
And well… my results are extraordinary and not normal.
And I’ve helped the Entrepreneur crushing it doing $1M or even $10M a year get out of the rollercoaster and rat race and actually enjoy their life “after success”.
I spend my days mentoring, advising and investing in Online Businesses just like yours. Helping from the big vision, to the next year strategy, next quarters tactics or the mindset of the here and now.
If you are ready for the next level.
I’d love to see if it’s a fit to work together.
Free Guide for Entrepreneurs

The 21 Laws Of Scaling A Profitable Online Business
I discovered 21 principles Entrepreneurs could use to scale their businesses with alignment and harmony…
If you’re an expert, author, course creator, coach, mentor, or service provider making between $10k-500k/mo, you’ll benefit from this significantly…
And I guarantee you’ll find at least 3 things you can use today that will open you to possibilities for freedom and profit you’ve never previously considered…