If you’re an entrepreneur, you need to scale your business to 7-figures (at least)!
A strong statement, I know… but I really do believe this.
AND it has nothing to do with having lots of money!!
The reason you need to scale to 7-figures and beyond is so you can escape your business, work “on” it, and live a life of freedom — a life that allows you to work on what you want when you want, and how you want…
Because if you’re reading this, you’re probably making at least $20k/month.
Sure, you may have some bad months…but overall you’re doing okay. You have built that illustrious six-figure business and life is certainly much easier than it was when you first started out.
- You’re likely still tied to your business…
- If you stopped working today, the business would lose momentum and die…
- You continue to work far too long and hard…
- And although you have more money and authority, you don’t get to enjoy it…
This is why you need to build a 7-figure business because although you don’t need a million dollars to live your dream life, you need a million-dollar business to have these two VITAL pieces of success…
With your current 6-figure business, you can travel and make good money and have luxuries.
But the ability to wake up and do what you want, when you want it… not so much.
You know you could build a 7-figure business…you have the ability. You just need to prove it to yourself.
So what’s holding you back?
The biggest reason for most entrepreneurs: you lack a clear strategy for how to scale.
… Don’t worry.
… You’re not alone.
… I’ve been there myself.
Not anymore, and that’s because I surrounded myself with great mentors who showed me HOW to build a 7-figure business the “right” way.
This is what I want to share with you today… the 7-steps you need to scale to 7-figures.
What you’re about to read will change how you look at your business forever 🙂
Let’s dive in …
How To Scale To Seven-Figures & Beyond
The majority of information you come across about how to build a seven-figure business is incomplete because most of it focuses on sales and marketing.
These two things are important, but they DO NOT tell the whole story.
Like many people online, I used to talk only about sales and marketing, but these days I go much deeper because I know sales and marketing is what gets you on the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’ — but it’s now what gets you off it.
To get off, you need these seven steps:
- Mindset
- Positioning
- Relevance
- Quality Leads
- Sales Process
- Omnipresence
- Operations Delivery
This is what we’ll focus on in this article, and it doesn’t matter if you’re currently at $20,000 a month… $30,000… $50,000… this process is what you need to get off the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’ for good, and level-up to a 7-figure business that gives youfreedom, abundance and success.
These seven steps are what I’ve personally used to take my own businesses to the next level, and what I’ve used to help other entrepreneurs do the same.
Now a quick side note before we begin…
Because although I’m about to share with you is a step-by-step process, you may or may not need to follow it in this order.
You may already have some of these pieces, whereas others may be new to you.
Start where you need to start, and use this process so it works for you. The point is to focus on all seven because these seven steps combined are what helps you level-up your business the right way.
It all begins with you, and your optimized mindset…
1: Optimize Your Mindset
Before the sales, marketing, operations and everything else that everyone tells you about, it’s important you first lay the foundations and focus on YOU.
It’s important you realize the mindset that you have right now — the operating system you’re running on — is not what you need if you wish to get to 7-figures.
It’s important you acknowledge this and admit to it, which is hard. But what got you to here won’t get you to there. And if you refuse to start here, nothing else in this article will help you.
Here’s why…
If you’re currently at, let’s say, $500,000 per year, you are more than likely the person doing most the execution, most of the planning, and most everything else. You don’t necessarily own the business so much as you ARE the business.
So you must first realize you have to delegate outcomes and look at your business as a:
- Business owner (owns the business, but is not emotionally attached to it).
- Entrepreneur (disrupts and innovates).
- CEO (manages the business).
- Investor (focuses on the finances and growth).
These are the four “hats” you must wear, and little of it has to do with the actual work or heavy lifting. This isn’t to say you can’t create content or that you won’t work hard, but what’s more important than working hard is that you start to work ‘smart’.
It’s this idea of “smart working” that forces you to change your mindset, because all of a sudden you focus on abundance (instead of losing yourself in a scarcity mindset).
You stop trying to do and be everything in your business (because you’re scared to take a risk and don’t believe others can do what you can), and instead take a step back so you can explore the bigger picture.
Now, we won’t go any deeper into mindset here, as I have another guide that explores this in-depth (as well as the other key pillars of business success). It’s called “The Six-Pillars of Business Success” and you can grab it here for free.
This separate guide shows you the 5 mindset battles you need to overcome to build a 7-figure business. These include:
- Leveraging and protecting your time, money, and energy…
- Discovering your true values, mission, and vision…
- The value in focus, and the opportunity it creates…
- The types of risk entrepreneurs tend to avoid at all costs…
- Your fear of failure AND success…
This separate guide goes into all this and more in greater detail, so you can optimize your mindset and lay the foundations for your rise to 7-figures.
But the whole point here is simple: you need a new mindset.
What got you to six-figures and beyond WILL NOT get you to seven-figures and further.
You need to escape scarcity and embrace abundance, because once you do you can get your positioning on-point, so your marketing, sales and operations can thrive…
2: Get Your Positioning On-Point!
People love to focus on marketing, funnels and lead generation. It’s sexy. It’s exciting. I get it, and it’s important. But it means little if you don’t have this part figured out first.
And most people DO NOT have this figured out.
It’s ridiculous how many entrepreneurs forget the basic “Rule of 1”. Not just six-figure entrepreneurs, either, but seven-and-eight-figure business people.
Before the marketing, the funnels, the lead generation — it’s important you build one offer that solves your audience’s main problem (in a highly effective way).
See, many entrepreneurs position themselves as the solution to a variety of problems. But the key to getting to 7-figures is to focus on ONE problem that you can solve with ONE solution. Failure here is like throwing money off a cliff. Some of it might blow back your way, but most of it will float away never to see again.
It doesn’t matter how great your product or service is, if you position it wrong, you will never escape the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’. You will continue to waste money, and you will continue to leave sales and opportunity on the table.
So how do you hyperfocus your positioning?
There are three levels you need to consider:
It begins with your product, and it’s where most people go wrong because most internet marketers tell you to build a ‘value ladder’. This is a great concept if you have a $5 million business, but not when you’re only making $20,000 — 50,000 per month.
Because every time you focus on a value ladder, you need to build a funnel here and a funnel there. You have to create operating systems for each, and different messages and material. You end up with all these options, so when you do get a lead on the phone, you overwhelm them.
You spend your time trying to figure what product they’re best suited for, and they spend their time trying to figure out what it is you actually do. It’s a bad situation, and until you reach 7-figures (often, multiple 7-figures) it makes no sense.
If you want to get to 7-figures you have to have one offer; focus on ONE and understand who it will help and how it will help them.
Focus is everything. I’ll never forget when I finally realized this, after a good friend of mine told me, “success comes at the point in which you have focus, because it’s focus that creates the compound effect that allows you to build momentum.”
Once you know your offer and position it accordingly, the next part is to understand the financials of that offer. Again, most people never do this. I used to be one of them. I’ve lost millions of dollars because of this, and if I could go back in time and change one thing, it would be to understand the difference between:
- cash generated: the value of the sale you close…
- cash collected: the money that actually lands in your account when close the sale…
- cash liability: the difference between the value of the sale and the money paid so far…
So what does this mean?
Well, let’s say you close a $20,000 sale. We can say you’ve generated $20,000 because that’s the total value of the sale. But it’s on a four-month payment plan at $5,000 a month.That means only $5,000 is deposited in your account at the time of the sale, so you’ve only collected $5,000 dollars this month. Therefore, you have a liability of $15,000 that still needs to be paid.
You need to understand the difference. You need to understand the numbers coming in and going out. If you do not know this you don’t have a business, you have a hustle and are relying on luck. But if you want to get to 7-figures and beyond, you have to take luck out of the equation because luck has little to do with a sustainable, scalable business.
Finally, you need to understand the way your positioning yourself, your business, and your offer for the future. It’s important to know what you’re rolling out over the next year, three years, and five years from now.
How you position yourself and your offer today needs to align with where you’re going. Because if you position your offer today to entrepreneurs just starting out, but you want to work directly with eight-figure businesses five years from now, how do the two align?
How are you going to get from A to B?
The way you position yourself needs to align with your longer term vision. You need to know how you will get from where you are now to where you want to be, because if your offer, audience, and message don’t match, you’ll spend the next few years pivoting and reinventing.
(in other words, you remain on the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’)
You need to get your positioning on-point and understand this before you think about anything else, for once you do, you can make sure you’re relevant to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time…
3: Become Hyper Relevant
You can no longer treat all your leads the same. Different people are going to come across you at different times. The days of a single funnel or lead magnet are no more, and the more you understand your audience and how to position your offer and message to them, the more apparent this will be.
This is what lead me to create The SSF Method, which segments your audience into:
- The Sidewalk: those who are not aware they have a pain or problem…
- The Slow Lane: those aware of their problem, but don’t know enough about the process to move forward…
- The Fast Lane: those who are ready to commit to a solution, but need more information about what the solution is…
Each ‘lane’ needs its own approach, because each houses a person at a different stage. You need to create relevant content and messages for each, but beyond the content, you need to make sure you’re sharing it at the right time.
- People in your sidewalk are not aware of their problem, so you need to produce micro content that illuminates their pain. And if they don’t yet know you, you need to build their trust and prove yourself as an authority through PR, featured articles and podcast interviews.
- If they’re in your slow lane you need to educate them on your process, which means more in-depth content (articles, guides, longer videos, etc…), as well as personal stories and philosophies that captures their trust and builds their loyalty.
- Whereas those in your fast lane are ready to see your offer, meaning you can up the ante with webinars, training sessions, and one-on-one phone calls — as well as share case studies and testimonials that provide social proof.
So you have the sidewalk, the slow lane, and the fast lane, and based upon where you tune your marketing, you need to target each person with the right message, at the right time, with the right commitment.
I have another article (and guide) that deep-dives into this, and shows you how to automate this and set it up on autodrive (click here to read). It takes the SSF approach into hyperdrive, and is something I call The ROI Method.
It’s unlike anything the marketing world has seen, and it’s having a HUGE impact already.
Here’s a sneak peek into what The ROI Method looks like:
You may like to read this article if you want to become “the” relevant authority figure your audience needs. This method not only makes you a relevant authority figure, but ensures you build intimacy with your audience.
This is how you stand out from the countless “experts” that fill your audiences’ newsfeed each day, but beyond this it results in an audience of quality leads primed to convert.
Which in essence is all that matters…
4: Focus on Lead Quality NOT Quantity
People get so hung up on lead generation. It’s sexy, and for internet marketers it’s an easy sell because everyone would love an extra 100 leads each week. But really, it isn’t about the amount of leads you get any more.
The days of needing a big list are gone. A few years ago, a list of 50,000 meant you would succeed time-and-time again. Each launch would blow up. It was easy. It was predictable.
It doesn’t work these days, because everyone knows they’re in a funnel, so it’s more important than ever to build an audience of quality leads.
(this comes back to positioning, and the work you do in step two).
Building an audience of quality leads is really simple, so long as you know who your customer is, what they need, and how you can help them. If you don’t know this, you’ll continue to bring in leads who DO NOT convert.
Because people who say they can help everyone (or have lots of products for lots of very different people) are trapped in scarcity mode. They don’t believe there is enough opportunity for them (or that they are good enough), so they scatter as much as they can in the hope something sticks.
Whereas someone who says they serve X who needs Y, and I help them with Z… these people live in abundance.
They are not afraid to say no to the wrong people. They are not afraid to say no to any opportunity that doesn’t align with their purpose. As such, they only spend time on those who are a perfect fit.
This is what it means to focus on Lead Quality!
So how do you find and attract these quality leads? In essence, there are three types of traffic you need to consider here:
And honestly, if you’re not at $20,000 a month (at least) you don’t have enough money to spend on lead generation. There’s no blueprint to paid advertising, because what works for one won’t work for another. There are best practices you can follow, but paid advertising needs experimentation.
So if you’re at $20,000 a month, experiment with paid advertising by all means, and literally get in front of your ideal avatar as often as possible (more on this in step six). Whereas if you’re not $20,000 a month, focus on organic and partner traffic instead.
This means you have to hustle. This means you have to get on podcasts, write for publications, get referrals from your network, jump on the phone with people, and find those quality leads until you reach at least $20,000 a month.
But whether you use paid, organic, partner, or all three (in time you should use all three), the point remains the same: focus ONLY on lead quality.
Understand who you’re targeting, know what you’re offering them, give them relevant content at the relevant time, and say NO to every single person who doesn’t meet your criteria. Does this mean you will turn leads away? Absolutely!
This is good. This is your aim.
You DO NOT need a big list.
A big list is both costly and ineffective, whereas a quality list blows up your conversion rates meaning you get more bang for your buck.
But there’s something else that happens when you only focus on quality leads, and it doesn’t only help you here, but makes your life easier during step six.
And it’s this… you become an authority.
Think about it for a second. You are hyper-focused on who you serve and you provide them with massive value. You share relevant content with them at relevant times, and you build real intimacy.
They trust you, and they start to see you as the only choice and “go to” expert in your niche.
And because you’re wasting less money and time on ineffective leads, you have more time and money to spend on the leads you do have — meaning more trust, more loyalty, and an engaged audience of advocates who have your back.
They love you. They trust you. In their eyes, you are an authority other people need to know about. This is how word of mouth begins, but more important, think about the internal effect this has on YOU.
You now close almost every sales call you’re on because you are speaking to someone ready to take action. Your confidence explodes. Confidence breeds confidence, which means you produce better work. You appear in more publications, they feature you more often, and the word of mouth exponentially spreads.
Focusing on lead quality isn’t just about saving time and money, it’s about:
- Removing the tire-kickers from your life…
- Converting more calls at a faster rate…
- Building an audience of like-minded people…
- Becoming an authority figure and expert…
- Blowing up your confidence so you can produce your best work…
You remove the waste and are left with people who want to work with you. With this approach, it actually benefits you to have a smaller audience and get rid of anyone who doesn’t fit your criteria as soon as possible, because it means more money, time and resources on those who do.
Once you reach this point, you’re ready to take this momentum and put it on autopilot by refining your sales process, because it’s this that gets you ready to scale to 7-figures and beyond…
5: Refine Your Sales Process
This next step assumes you close the majority of your sales over the phone. This is who we work with in The Relevancy Engine. We don’t work with people who only sell information or widgets online. They aren’t our avatar, and because you’re reading this article I assume you are part of our avatar.
So assuming you do close the majority of your customers over the phone, you are now ready to optimise your sales process with this 4 Step Close:
- Pain.
- Vision.
- Gap.
- Commitment.
But here’s the thing with this process… it only works with qualified leads.
You can use it on unqualified leads, but all it does is waste your time. Because if someone isn’t your “right” customer, no sales call technique will work. The other person will simply waste your time and kick the tyres, and if they do buy, they will only ask for a refund in a few weeks.
This is what people stuck in the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’ complain to me about all the time.
I get it.
I’ve been there.
It sucks!
I’m not there anymore because I focus ONLY on quality leads.
You need to as well if you want this “4-Step Sales Close” to work, and you also need to understand who your audience is on a deep level.
Because the first step illuminates their pain…
1: Pain:
I don’t believe in having a sales script. If you speak with unqualified leads, you need one because you have to rely on their insecurity and manipulate the situation. But to qualified leads, all you need to do is have a real conversation with them.
This begins by getting them to acknowledge their pain:
- What’s your biggest problem?
- What challenge is keeping you up at night?
- Where are you at right now?
They have a problem, and you have something that will fix it. But to begin with, they must acknowledge their pain so they focus on their vision.
2: Vision:
Once you hear their pain, listen.
Let them feel it.
They’re smart and don’t need you to do all the talking. You’ve got them in the right frame of mind, so they’ll realise what the problem is on their own.
- Interesting, tell me more about that?
- How long have you felt like this?
- What effect is it having on you and your business?
Your job is to listen and guide. This is all you have to do because everybody wants to be somewhere else, and move to the next level.
So as the conversation progresses, turn focus to their vision:
- Where do you want to be?
- What’s your big, grand vision?
- In 90 days time, how would you like to feel?
You have illuminated their pain and problem, and got them thinking about what life could be like. They know where they are and where they want to be, which leads to the gap between the two.
3: Gap:
There’s a gap between where they are now and where they want to get to. They probably already knew this gap existed, and because they’re a qualified lead, they have come into this phone call with a decent understanding of their situation.
This is why phone calls are so powerful, because they’re intimate. You’re able to listen and feel their pain, and nudge them in the right direction.
- Okay, what’s the gap between that?
- What do you think you need to do to make that happen?
- How can I help you, or don’t you think I can help you at this moment?
There’s no need for the hard-sell. You’re speaking to a smart person who knows the deal, and knows why they got on a call with you.
They are either ready or not, which is when you bring this process home.
4: Commitment:
You bring this home by reiterating what you’ve just talked about.
- Hey listen, here’s the gap…
- Is that the gap?
- Am I understanding your pain right now?
You then must ask them whether they want to fix this, and ask them if the commitment is there. If they are ready, they will be ready to commit with you now. If not, you need to explore why to see if it’s a genuinely wrong time, or just their scarcity mindset getting in the way.
This is why I don’t like sales scripts. Each call is different. Each person will give you a different answer. The only way to act here is to listen to them, and speak to them as a human being.
- How much longer are you willing to spend not being where you want to be?
- Further, are you ready to commit the time, resources, and money to overcome this?
- If you are this is how I can help…
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, whether it’s a $3,000 program, a $12,000 consultancy, or $150 service. It’s the same process each time. They are a qualified, relevant, quality lead ready to take action.
Don’t worry about a script… just speak to them and listen to what they say.
But there’s something else you need to know right now, because to get past $30,000… $40,000… $50,000… you need to hire a salesperson. You can only do this on your own for so long.
In the beginning, you need to. You have to do this, because it’s part of building genuine intimacy with your audience. But once you know your audience and have quality leads coming in on autopilot, you need to pass it to someone else.
(you’ll not survive otherwise, and you will not escape the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’).
Once you have your sales rocking and rolling, you need to become omnipresent and ‘top of mind’, as this is the only way to stand out in today’s fast-paced world…
6: Become Omnipresent and ‘Top of Mind’
This whole seven-step process is designed to build trust. If you don’t have your audience’s trust, this whole process unravels. It’s not to say they won’t buy from you without truly trusting you, but a transaction without trust often leads to buyer’s remorse.
No loyalty.
No advocacy.
No word of mouth.
Instead you get customers wanting refunds, not engaging, and not returning.
Trust is everything. And it matters at every point in your lead’s journey.
Building trust continues after the sale, and it’s leveraging the customers you have so you can repeat & scale this process.
More automated.
More refined.
More quality leads.
All this leads to more money, authority and that promise-land of a 7-figure business (and beyond).
This is where the notion of becoming omnipresent comes into play. If you place omnipresence inside of steps three and four (relevance and lead quality), you’ll deliver the right content to the right people at the right time.
We won’t go through the complete step-by-step process to becoming omnipresent right now, as that separate article I mentioned earlier does (read it here). Here’s a quick recap of The ROI Method:
One of the core pillars of The ROI Method is to become top of mind.
Not just in their inbox or inside of their newsfeed, but through every relevant platform that captures your audience’s attention.
They need to see you… everywhere!
Because becoming omnipresent is the only way to scale up to 7-figures these days.
But there’s a reason becoming omnipresent is step six, because if you focus on this to early you’ll struggle to keep up. It’s tempting to skip to this step and forget about the others, but please don’t.
If you do, it will become costly, time consuming and overwhelming.
You need to first lay the foundations, because once you do and turn on your omnipresent process, you turn good into great. You will be top of mind, and the most relevant choice to YOUR audience.
Like I say, we go into this process in-depth with this article. I encourage you read it after you’ve finished here, as it’s the method you need to scale up to 7-figures (and way beyond).
Done right… it’s a gamechanger.
You put the right content in front of the right people at the right time, regardless of whether they’re in your sidewalk, slow lane, or fast lane. Most of this is done on autopilot too, meaning you create a waterfall effect of quality leads nurtured with the right message at the right time.
You appear in all the right places… all… of… the… time!
Which is amazing, but does require you to finally blow up your operations and systems…
7: Blow Up Your Operations and Systems
Blowing up your operations takes on two meanings here:
- You need to literally blow up your old operations because they will no longer work…
- You need to create new operations to ‘blow up’ your success…
LOOK… what got you to here won’t get you to there.
The processes that worked when you were making early six-figures won’t take you to 7-figures and beyond. Before, you did much of the work yourself. Not anymore. Now you’re omnipresent and ‘top of mind’, you need to level-up your operations.
This begins with you, and knowing what type of business owner you are:
- an Entrepreneur.
- an Operator.
Because you’re reading this guide, chances are you’re an entrepreneur. You come up with ideas. You’re fast-paced and always looking to innovate. As such, you make a terrible operator and you need a CEO in your business to operate your business.
This is the only way I personally have any success. Without my CEO, we would get nothing done.
He runs this business, and if you think you can build a 7-figure company without an operator, think again.
It’s easy to build a six-figure business without one. In fact, it’s easier to build a six-figure business without one, because you’re entrepreneurial hustle is what helps you stand out and get on the map.
But a 7-figure business… you need an operator because they see everything in a different light:
- They build processes and SOPs…
- They leverage your offer and audience so you can scale away from one-to-one…
- They figure out how to do one-to-many while maintaining great support…
- They outsource and delegate and build a relevant team…
- They refine the delivery process so it’s simple, yet 100% on-point…
In part, you need an operator because you are not the person to get it done. But you also need an operator so you can continue to work in your “zone of genius”.
You see, once you get to 7-figures, you may have to stop doing the things you love. You will more than likely have to stop doing a lot of the tasks you’re used to doing, because you shouldn’t be doing them (either you don’t have the time, or someone else is better at it than you).
At 7-figures and beyond, you need to focus only on what you NEED to focus on.
You need to outsource and delegate EVERYTHING else!
An entrepreneur innovates and sees the big picture before anyone else, but it’s the operator who takes this, runs with it, and connects the dots.
[so there you go, your 7 steps to 7-figures]
The question now is, how do you take the right action today so you don’t waste a lot of time and money further down the road…?
Let me tell you, but first let me just say…
If you’re stuck at 6-figures, I hope this article has helped you see it’s entirely possible for you to break through your barriers.
In fact, in my experience, for entrepreneurs generating over $20k a month, a million dollar business is realistically only 6 to 9 months away.
The problem, however, is usually one of 3 things.
Either your mind sabotages you and sets you off on the wrong path (wasting thousands of dollars of tons of time)…
Or you can’t quite get your marketing completely automated and profiting (so that you have a steady flow of qualified leads)…
Or you’re getting enough leads but they aren’t buying from you…
If you can relate to any or all of these, listen up.
This is why I created The Relevancy Engine: so I could help people stuck in the ‘six-figure hamster wheel’ escape it by implementing The ROI Method into their own business.
Here’s what makes The Relevancy Engine unique…
I don’t hire coaches to work with you. I only bring in other Entrepreneurs, who “get” you and can help you get immediate wins.
My goal is to help you grow your business quickly and profitably.
So you can join the growing ranks of entrepreneurs who have been through The Relevancy Engine and seen massive results…
Yes, These Are Real Results from 6-Figure Entrepreneurs Like You…
People like Katya Varbanova…
Before she began implementing R.O.I. in her business, Katya averaged $25k/month. Within 60 days of using this framework, she had her first $100k month.
Plus, she grew her audience massively, and has deepened her relationships.
Then there’s Sunny…
Sunny Lenarduzzi was in the mid-6 figures before she started to implement the R.O.I. Method.
In 2017, she did 4x the revenue she did in 2016.
Her audience grew by over 25%. And, with the relationships she’s built, she has begun securing popular speaking gigs, such as Traffic and Conversion 2018 and Social Media Marketing World.
There’s also Pat Brewer….
Pat runs a marketing and consulting company exclusively for financial advisors. When he started with the R.O.I. Method, he was generating around $20k-$30k a month.
Now, within 90 days of implementing this into his business, he’s cleared multiple $100k months.
This isn’t a “group coaching program” or another tutorial on Facebook ads…
It’s a mentorship program where you get access to me and other high-level entrepreneurs so you can easily 2x your business and hit your first 6-figure month.
If you want to get on the fast-track to a 7-figure business, and avoid the thousands of dollars and dozens of wasted hours you’d spend trying to figure it out on your own…
…Book a call with my team to see if The Relevancy Engine is what you need to 2x your business in the next 90 days.
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Or if you’d like to learn more about how The ROI Method can help your own business explode, grab your free guide >>