Getting to “Six Figures” is NOT The Holy Grail of Business Success

Getting to "Six Figures" is NOT The Holy Grail of Business Success

“Six-Figure” is like the holy-grail online…
*and you’ll still be broke as shit*
(the biggest lie online)

I want to let you know that if you’re an Entrepreneurs and you’re making less than $250,000…

You’re broke and you’re playing WAY too small. 

Let’s do some simple math. 
A lot of people think $100,000 is a lot of money.

Okay… so, if you’re generating $100K — and let’s say you do something without any type of huge expenses (you’re selling coaching)…

By the time you pay yourself (at least $60K)…
By the time you pay taxes…
By the time you pay for a subscriptions and business services…

You’re left with about $15,000 profit…
and you get to work 12-14 hours a day and  worry every moment of the day.

Not fun…

So, let’s go to $250,000 for a minute…
And let’s assume you still only pay yourself $60,000.

That’s $190,000 left…

Now, at $250,000, you’re using lead generation… let’s assume you’re spending 15% to generate leads…

That’s now $152,500 left…
Add another $12,000/mo for subscription services…

You’re down to $140,500…
Now pay the accountant, lawyers…
likely the coach or mentor…

And you’re at $120,000.
Now, the chances that you’re doing $250K without at least paying another employee $50-60,000 is unlikely…

So, now you’re at $60,000…
before tax.

And you’re still only paying yourself $60k…

Doesn’t add up does it? 

Alright… so what do you do?

In order to have a successful business… pay yourself a livable wage ($100-$120k/yr)… and actually impact those around you at it’s full potential…

I believe you need to generate:

  • $500,000 a year…
  • Have an audience of at least 1,000 that listen and will buy from you…
  • and at least 2 team members to run your business
  • (operations/project manager + customer service/community)


And THEN  you get to decide…

Do you want to GROW
or do you want to SUSTAIN…

But until you’re at $500k… you’re always going to feel scarcity.

And only at that point will you profit $100-$150k…
Until you’re cool being burnt out in lieu of profit.

There are exceptions…
Yet, most that think they are… aren’t.

Don’t fool yourself…

Just because you’re generating money… well, it all comes back to how much of it you keep and how much leverage you have for your:

freedom + 

Which is true success.

This is the truth.

This is what you need.

And if you want to dive deeper so you can live this… well, you may like to grab this guide 😉





Four Frameworks

FREE Guide for Entrepreneurs

The 21 Laws Of Scaling A Profitable Business

I discovered 21 principles Entrepreneurs can use to scale their businesses with alignment and harmony…

If you’re an expert, author, course creator, coach, mentor or service provider making between $10-500k/mo, you are exactly who I made this for…

And I guarantee you’ll find at least 3 things that you can use today that will open you to possibilities for freedom and profit you’ve never considered until now.

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