Is Success About Getting 7-Figures in The Bank?

Is Success About Getting 7-Figures in The Bank

“Is this even worth it”
No one is talking about it… so let’s dive into it. 
Because, success isn’t about 7-figures in the bank.


You get some momentum…
You start generating $30,000… $50,000… $100,000… a month…

The gram has awesome photos…
People see your ads…
People think you’re CRUSHING it… as Gary would say…

Your parents are impressed…
your boyfriend or girlfriend thinks you’re amazing…
your friends think you’re the G.O.A.T…

Behind every “Rockstar Entrepreneur” 

  • is sitting in the shower crying…
  • is having a panic attack at 2AM in the morning…
  • is the inner 7 year old who is scared shitless…
  • is the person who is afraid to let their team down…
  • is a person who looks at the bank account and doesn’t understand why it’s not adding up.


I mean…
let’s get real for a minute.

Being an Entrepreneur is likely the 
most difficult job you could ever have.

And people like me, sell it like the “dream”.
I mean, I’m certain lots of people think I work 4 hours a week.

And while I feel like that now…
It was year…
after year…
after year…

of complete frustration. 
And the problem is?

People think it get’s “better”…
I’m sorry to tell you…

The more money you make…
The more you want to “up” the game…

The more difficult it gets.
YES… it may get glamours.

I spend more money in a month living my life
then 98% of the world makes in a year.

it’s not sexy… until it is…

And the journey…
sorta sucks.

Once you start growing…
your costs rise…

and now… you have a team…
you have an ego and pride…

You MUST make this work…
So you throw yourself “all in”…

For the victory of GREAT IMPACT…

Yet inside, something is missing…

See, most of us build our first million dollar business
on something that isn’t our why…

Simply put…
our “why” business takes massive $$, influence and audience.

And at the beginning, we typically only
have our hustle, grit and our expertise and knowledge.

That’s the problem…
We get things in “momentum”…
and we somehow think that we’re going to magically have 7-figures in our bank account.

Once we get past a certain point…

We get frustrated and overwhelmed… and MONEY will never ever ever ever be a big enough opportunity for us to see the obligation as small.

I recently wrote an article all about money mindset, that goes into this deeper. To read that, click here

When I blew up my multi-million dollar company in
September of 2017, I hit my “limit”…

Actually, I hit it far before…
I became debt-free…
I could buy anything I desired…
and I couldn’t wake up each morning for money…

I needed a reason to do it. 
So, then the question is…

What do you do? 
Because, it may feel like you’re trapped in a prison
of your own business…

If I let things go…
I can’t serve my customers, I might have to fire my team…
What will others think?

If I scale things up… so I can get my life back…
I’m going to work 16 hours a day, take on so much risk and feel like I’m not even a human…

My advice is this…

Stop comparing yourself against other Entrepreneurs who you’re trying to “live up” too…

Yes, I know the momentum is sexy…
Yes, I know it feels good to make money…
Yes, I know it feels good to have attention and the spot light on you…


Take a moment to breath…
and design a business around 
definition of SUCCESS…

If that means you need to make $100M dollars…

But most of us, don’t need that. 
Once, I did this in September of 2017…

It became clear what I needed to do…
And it started to become easy…
Because what once felt like an obligation…
felt like an Opportunity.


And funny enough? 
I’ve made more money in the past 6 months…
I’ve had more fun in the past 6 months…
I’ve felt more fullfilled in the past 6 months…
I’ve felt more connected to my purpose…

Then my entire life, combined. 

Sometimes, YOUR true North…
Isn’t that of the world…
and certainly isn’t the images on the Instagram feed.

Take it as inspiration.
But don’t use it as your version of success.

Your kingdom,

You can design it, any way you decide. 
And the impact that you want in the world…

Doesn’t happen when you’re going upstream…
It’s when you allow the world to be FOR you…

And if you need a helping hand to make this happen, you may like to check out this 28-page guide I created for you to scale from 6-7 figures the “right” way…




Four Frameworks

FREE Guide for Entrepreneurs

The 21 Laws Of Scaling A Profitable Business

I discovered 21 principles Entrepreneurs can use to scale their businesses with alignment and harmony…

If you’re an expert, author, course creator, coach, mentor or service provider making between $10-500k/mo, you are exactly who I made this for…

And I guarantee you’ll find at least 3 things that you can use today that will open you to possibilities for freedom and profit you’ve never considered until now.

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