What is unfair advantage? It’s that unique thing that sets you apart from your competitors so you stand out in your industry.
We always look at overnight success stories but don’t see the unfair advantage they created to achieve that success. We all have our unique advantage and point of differentiation and, no, it won’t make you an overnight success, but it will help set you apart from everyone else. All you need to do is create it, acknowledge it, and use it to its fullest potential.
Why You Need an Unfair Advantage to Stand Out From Your Competitors

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed…
But we live in a crowded and fast-paced world.
Whatever you sell, there are people who can offer the same thing as you — often for a lower price. Lucky for you, people don’t tend to make rational decisions. They make emotional ones, meaning your best chance of success is to amplify your unfair advantage and unique selling proposition.
Unfair Advantage: How to Find Yours
Your unfair advantage is the combination of your:
- Experience
- Skill
- Talent
- Knowledge
- Character, and
- Connection
There is no other person on planet Earth that has the same combination of these six attributes that you do. You just need to make sure that people are aware of it! This is how you can compete with other people who are already established in your industry!
If you use the power of your unique selling proposition, along with the other 7 elements of relevancy, you can easily have the blue ocean without other competitors. Remember this, someone might have the same skill as you, but they don’t have the same skill and knowledge. They don’t have the same skill and experience; and, they definitely don’t have the same experience and talents you have. This becomes your ability to achieve that blue ocean. It’s the one thing in your positioning that your competitors can’t copy. Run with it!
Being relevant is all about just showing your unfair advantage. Once you do, you can stop worrying about your competition and start focusing on how to best serve your audience. And that’s how you will set yourself apart from the other seven billion people on the planet.
A $30,000 Campaign Failure Because I Didn’t Capitalize on My Unfair Advantage
I want to share an experiment I ran that cost me $30,000 because I didn’t use my unfair advantage.
About two years ago, I was developing a marketing campaign. At this point in my business, I had far more resources then I was used to—writers, designers, a creative director, tech implementers, the works. A far cry from the days of me working a landing page editor and an email system all by myself. I had a great marketing campaign idea. I brought it to the team, and I let them go with it.
What happened next blew my mind.
See, we tested this campaign beforehand with my copy, my terrible graphics, everything from me. And it did extremely well. We then pushed online the version that my team created, which cost us $30,000 to produce. I thought this would give us better results, but here’s the shocker.
The results were terrible.
I mean, we didn’t even break even. Why was that?
I realized a key concept that’s important in ensuring you’re Relevant, especially when scaling your business to eight figures and beyond. Your Relevancy is so tied to your unfair advantage that if your team and you yourself don’t understand it, it can’t be replicated.
Ever have a Facebook post that didn’t get likes? An email blast that fell flat? A sales call that wasn’t just you? A marketing campaign that just sucked?
Typically, it’s because you haven’t extracted and replicated your unfair advantage or unique selling proposition. In this advertising campaign, we went professional with fancy graphics, amazing copy, all the things that should convert.
Yet, when we went to use it, it didn’t look like me. It amplified their PAIN but didn’t create a point of Relevancy with my personality. REMEMBER: people buy from people they feel connected with, which is why it failed.
The lesson? Create your unfair advantage and use it in everything you ever do.
And before you create your unfair advantage, you need to know what makes people not use it.
What Stops People From Unleashing Their Unfair Advantage?
We see the power of a unique advantage but we don’t use it; or, we don’t use it to its full potential. We put on these masks and we hide who we really are and our authentic self.
Why do people do that?
Most of the time it’s:
- Their self-worth. It’s imposter syndrome, the feeling of inadequacy that persists despite evident success.
- That they are too afraid to use the connections they have.
- They feel like their character is going to offend somebody.
- They’re afraid they’re not knowledgeable enough, their experiences aren’t cool enough, or there’s going to be somebody that’s more talented than them.
But here’s the truth…
In business and in all areas of life, it’s really not about who’s the best. It’s about who talks about who they are; that type of person typically is the one that gets the most momentum.
With that out of the way, here’s how to create your unfair advantage.
A Step-By-Step Process to Create Your Point of Differentiation

Thinking about what sets you apart can look like a hard & complicated process, but it actually isn’t. I’ve developed a step-by-step system that I use with my clients to create their unfair advantage. Then, we use the Relevancy, Omnipresence, and Intimacy Method to unleash it and capitalize on it.
When you use your Unfair Advantage as apart of your positioning, you become able to effectively engage with your target audience. This makes intimacy easier to achieve, and sales easier to close.
If you want a copy of the worksheet I use with my clients to create their unfair advantage, click here to grab it.
You can watch this video for a brief introduction on how to create your unfair advantage.
The 6 Steps to Extracting Your Unfair Advantage?
Here are the six key areas that I’ve found to be the easiest way to extract your unique advantage and use it in your marketing to ensure you become Relevant.
#1. Experience
Everything that’s happened to you in the past, happened to you and only you. The good, the bad, and the boring. It’s what led you to become the person you are today, and these experiences are unlike anyone else’s. Use these experiences to your advantage.
Share the stories unique to you that nobody else has. Even though there are many people who can do what you do, nobody can tell the same story.
The first step is to write 3-5 unique things that you have experienced that might be valuable to someone else.
Good or bad, it does not matter. These experiences open you up to the world and allow your unfair advantage to shine through. Take me, for instance, and my story about slipping into nearly 1 million dollars of debt or when I blew up my multi-million dollar business. Or, that I was a programmer when I was a kid.
I’ve built immense trust by sharing these experiences, and although other people can do what I can, nobody has these stories. It’s unique to me, and it’s part of my unfair advantage. Add to that my experiences of helping hundreds of entrepreneurs scale their six- and seven-figure businesses.
It wasn’t always like this, but remember, your experiences increase and so does your unfair advantage. Take some time and write 3-5 meaningful experiences that had a big impact on your life, and then move on to…
#2. Skills
Many people have businesses similar to yours, share the same space, and provide a similar solution, but few possess the same mix of skills you do.
One of my unique skills is my ability to show up and become omnipresent. There are other people who offer what I do. Many of them are better writers, better speakers, and better on video, but few are as good at being Relevant to the right people, at the right time. I’ve nurtured this skill over fifteen years, and today, it sets me apart from everyone else. If you want to discover how to implement it in your business, check out the Relevancy, Omnipresence, and Intimacy Method.
It forms part of my unfair advantage, so the question now is: What are your unique skills?
Spend a few minutes thinking about the skills that you have. What are the 3-5 unique skills that you have that not everyone in your market has?
Don’t forget to grab your worksheet, and follow along as we create your unfair advantage.
#3. Talent
Everyone is born with certain talents, and unlike skills (that you learn), most of your talents come naturally to you.
One of mine is my ability to connect the dots and come up with big ideas before anyone else. This allows me to jump on trends before they become trends and create solutions for complex problems. This comes naturally to me. I don’t spend much time or energy doing it, but others find it impossible.
You also have certain talents that come easy to you. It may be hard to uncover your talents, but once you do it will impact your unfair advantage.
Write down the 3-5 talents that can be used inside of your business to help others. Some examples are communication effectiveness, or the ability to understand people at a deep level.
#4. Knowledge
Over the years, you have accumulated a great deal of knowledge that other people haven’t. Through books, mentors, courses, and everything else, you have created a body of knowledge that plays a role in your unfair advantage. The thing is, you don’t even realize you know what you know. You take it for granted and assume other people know it too.
But that’s not true. If you’re ahead of your ideal client situation by at least a few steps, then you have enough knowledge to help them. Spend even more time learning and you have a strong unfair advantage.
For me, my knowledge largely focuses on online marketing and scaling businesses from six to seven figures and the mindset it takes to do so. This knowledge sets me apart from other people and allows me to serve my audience in a big way. You too have created a body of knowledge.
Take the time and write down the 3-5 things that you are extremely knowledgeable about that most others aren’t. Even if they don’t seem to connect, you’ll find later that the intersection of these different things will give you your unique advantage.
Once you’re done, move on to the next point.
#5. Character
Your character is developed every day. Every good, bad, and indifferent situation that you encounter affects your character; and, over the years, this process has molded you into the person you are today. It’s not necessarily learned per se, but your character is really how society has shaped you, how you’ve shaped yourself when you decided, “This is who I want to be.”
Your character depends on who you surround yourself with and your environment (now and in the past). And yes, your character attracts certain people and repels others. I personally repel a lot of people, which you think would be bad for business, right?
I have my haters, and although this is sometimes hard to accept, it’s a good thing. The reason is that it allows me to further attract the right kind of person. I’ll say it again: Your character attracts some and repels others. This is a good thing since it allows you to use your unfair advantage to become the go-to person for those you serve.
Write down 3-5 character traits that are unique to you. Don’t worry about pushing certain people away, as they weren’t a good fit anyway.
#6. Connections
The people you know play a fundamental role in your unfair advantage. Those you trust—and who trust you— open doors that will not open for other people. Your connections count, so make a count of these people and then use it wisely to give you an unfair advantage.
Write down 3-5 influential connections you have access to who can help you inside your business and life and will help you expand your unfair advantage even further.
This is the last part to create your unfair advantage and unique selling proposition. If you didn’t yet, make sure to grab the unfair advantage worksheet to help you with these exercises with examples for each.
How to Unleash Your Uniqueness

If you’ve gone through each step and made notes where I asked you to, you now have eighteen to thirty points to work with. These points will help you discover your unfair advantage. They will also give you an understanding of how to unleash it on the world.
Once seen on paper, most people actually see themselves more clearly for the first time. Your unique advantage forms the DNA of who you are as an entrepreneur and, as such, the DNA of your business. There’s too much competition to try and be and look like everyone else.
You need to be you, and you need to use your unfair advantage so nobody else can replicate it.
In a sea of online advertising where everyone can look the same, this allows you to stand out. Whenever I dive into the DNA of Relevancy, it always comes down to this.
Think about it for a second… why is it that you can take two completely different people who have the same type of product and one will outsell the other?
The unfair advantage is a lot less about what you can compare yourself to in the marketplace and a lot more about who you’re going to naturally attract.
Remember the $30,000 experiment?
You Have An Unfair Advantage – It’s Time to Maximize It
Everyone has an unfair advantage. If you put all your life experiences, skills, talent, connections, knowledge, and developed character over the years, you’ll have your unfair advantage.
Your job is to extract it and maximize it to position yourself in the market and express your relevancy.
This is about seeing your unique advantage and then encompassing that into your positioning, brand story, and everything else that you do. This will make people start seeing a glimpse of your uniqueness and authentic self and make them start relating to you more and want to learn from you, which creates your blue ocean.
Take the time, extract your unfair advantage, and unleash it to finally scale your business. It’s much simpler than you think. And having your unfair advantage is a great step toward scaling your business past 7-figures.