The 6 Pillars Exercise (The EXACT Exercise I Make ALL My Private Clients Do….)



The 6 Pillars of Building a 
7+ Figure Online Business


I wrote a 278 page book called The Nuclear Effect sharing the 6 pillars of scaling a 7+ figure online business so you know exactly what to do and what not to do.

Inside of this book, I’m going to share with you…

PILLAR #1: Marketing  How to use the 3 different methods that I’ve developed to fuel your marketing and allow for deep relevancy, omnipresence in your market, and intimacy that makes generating sales easy. 

PILLAR #2: Sales How to ensure that your sales are about an opportunity and never about a pitch, showing you the specific methods that I’ve used to help generate hundreds of millions in sales with those that I’ve mentored and tens of millions myself.

PILLAR #3: Product + Delivery How to create a successful business model, ensuring that you build what is going to help you scale quickly, while also allowing you to be profitable and ensure that you create results for your clients and customers. 

PILLAR #4: Operations + Team How to properly develop your operational system and manage a team (even for the entrepreneur who may not want a team) because without the correct backend and team, business can be a nightmare–no matter how much money you make. 

PILLAR #5: Finances How to manage your finances while also managing growth and ensuring profit. At age 16, I had a million dollar business then by age 21 I was a million dollars in debt–from the lessons I’ve learned I show how to make sustainable decisions.

PILLAR #6: Mindset Perhaps the most important pillar of the book, mindset is what allows for an entrepreneur to be successful and to actually enjoy success and make the right choices on a daily basis.

Ready to unlock the growth of your online business and scale to the next level using the 6 Pillars?

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