Since I was 19, I wanted a Mclaren Super Car.
In December, I bought it.
It took me almost 2 years to get to the point of giving myself
permission to buy what I really wanted.
Further, I wasn’t ever going to talk about it on social media or to you
here in fear of judgement & the guilt or image of being a “marketer” who
uses a car to fuel selling.
Truth is… I don’t really sell to those people.
The deeper truth is, it doesn’t really matter.
When I was 19, I would play video games driving Mclaren’s.
Later, I would play Grand Theft Auto and I would dream about living in
California, having a Mountain Home and having a Mclaren.
That has all now occurred & has been created into the reality in which I
I’ve found that the most difficult part of “success” in the wordly sense
is allowing yourself…
“How good can I take it?”
I’ve uttered those words so much over the past few years.
Followed by…
“How can it get any better than this?”
In 2020, a lot of the year was spent allowing me to “own” the impact
I’ve been able to have.
Part of this, was owning that only I could give me permission to really
enjoy every part of who I am.
And self-pleasure can be taking a bath.
It can be taking a vacation.
It can be buying yourself your dream car.
However, the more permission you give yourself to be you.
The more you can truly “own” who you really are.
The reason for posting this is simple.
#1. It’s really hard to give yourself permission to own what you really,
really want. Everyone will tell you not to do X, Y, Z in life, or will
judge you for what you actually desire.
#2. My friends, who own super cars, inspired me so much and it truly
made me over time realize… “I can have whatever I wish”.
#3. That this is possible.
Almost 10 years ago, I was $1M+ in debt, living in a basement apartment,
in the worst place of my entire life.
And truth is…
While the happiness that this car brings will fade in time.
The ability to live life on your terms
and do exactly what you want
or don’t want.
Is available, accessible and beautiful.
For every single person, that I’ve been able to help & impact & help
evolve to their next level, I’m so grateful that you’ve allowed me to
help you.
Like a client sending me a DM or an email from a customer telling me how
much better their life is because of what I do…
This is a small reminder of just how good it can get
&& that everything is possible.
Go do what is truly possible,