This is a new weekly newsletter that will be focused on going “deep” on a specific framework, method or strategy for scaling past 7+ figures in your online business.

This Thursday, I’m hosting a special 3-hour workshop on the 7-figure foundations…
And this time around I went for the “Anti Sales Page” sales page…
The point of a sales page?
To turn someone into a customer.
However… a lot of the time, depending on the desired outcome of a campaign…
Your sales page should do something different.
If you’ve been in my world for a while, you know that I’m a massive fan of Google Doc sales pages…
Throughout my time of selling, they’ve almostalways over-performed anything else I’ve done.
There’s a couple reasons why that is the case….
…but the biggest one is that it doesn’t feel like your selling.
When you go to most sales pages…
It feels like a sales page…You know you’re being sold…
The consequences of that will be shared after the break…

The Show with Lindsay Wilson
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How Beginners Are Successfully Buying Websites To Earn Passive Income
This episode of the Rich Dad Radio Show features Matt Raad, an expert in website investing.
Matt has over 20 years of buying and selling businesses and this episode shares his top strategies for how to invest in websites for passive income.
Learn the exact things that allowed one of his students to make $8,000 per month, working just 8 hours a year & how another makes $25,000 per month from a website she bought for $2000, just 2.5 years ago.
Want Matt to walk you through his entire process, step-by-step?
Click below to listen to this exclusive interview.
Alright — picking back up on the “anti sale”….
The problem with knowing you are being sold to?
Your mind automatically goes to skeptical thinking and into intellectual analysis.
In typical marketing the way around this is to use case studies, testimonials, benefits, features and reactive-marketing such as “FOMO” or scarcity to counteract the brain.
The problem with a typical sales page occurs when using marketing that isn’t based on a lot of reactive marketing.
Or when someone is buying because of a deep connection to your offer (relevancy) and/or to you personally (intimacy)
In these cases….
Your sales page can actually hurt someone from buying from you.
If someone is already bought into you — you don’t need to tell them anything else.
When you do, more than anything you slow down their ability to buy from you.
You give them to things to think about that might stop them from moving forward.
Simply put…
The more steps you make someone take in order to be “all in”…
The lower the chance they will be “all in”…
(Which as a side note is why I don’t fully believe in the ascension model for offers.
Like everything, it depends on a lot of factors but every day I see people try to sell lower priced things to people who actually want to buy higher ticket solutions)
When you do an incredible job building a personal brand…
And have a value-first approach.
It allows you to skip the sales process with the people who know you…
And if you bring “back” the sales process with them…
Sales people… sale processes… sale pages, etc.
All these can actually STOP you from reaching your best customers.
It’s much like the more expensive your offer, the less it should include.
For example — your $1,000 offer should have so much that it overwhelms someone’s “buyer sense”.
But if you have a $100,000 offer — it should probably include 3 things, at maximum.
I’m testing this on over the next 5 days as I’ll be promoting a new workshop that runs live on Thursday.
The simple crux of the workshop:
“Here are the foundations of a 7-figure business based on helping 100’s of Entrepreneurs build them”.
The sales page…
Is barely a sales page.
It’s basically a buy button.
My normal sales page to my warm audience converts 7-13%.
If this is above 12%, I’ll consider what I’ve observed, a winner.
If lower, than either I’m wrong about my observation… or I didn’t create enough relevancy.
If you want to learn the foundations of a 7-figure business…
And you want to prove my belief…
See you on Thursday
– Scott

1. Invest In This To 10X Your Business
There are generally 3 different ways you can reinvest the profits you make from your business. For most successful entrepreneurs, one of these three has proven to be much more effective than anything else!
2. How ADHD Impacts Relationships (Personal & Biz)
80-90% of adults with ADHD don’t even realize they have it. If ADHD is present for you or someone you are close with, this interview will reveal how to build more successful relationships (and how to tap into the “superpowers” most people don’t recognize)
3. How to Price Coaching Packages (In 6 Steps)
If you undercharge for your coaching, this framework for value-based pricing from Jason Moss can help you earn what you truly deserve for the value you bring to your clients!
That’s it for this 7-figure letter. I publish new one every Sunday. Make sure to signup here to get yours.