7-figure Letter Issue #48 – A Stable Business That Creates Ease & Flow For You

This is a new weekly newsletter that will be focused on going “deep” on a specific framework, method or strategy for scaling past 7+ figures in your online business.


Entrepreneurs have to be some of the most optimistic and willfully ignorant people on Earth.

We really have to be, because the odds are against us.


Less than 7% of businesses ever get to the 7 figure level.

And even the ones that are above the $1m mark?
A majority of them won’t exist in 5 years.

There’s many reasons why good businesses go bad.
Here are some of the top ones:

– Failure to innovate & evolve with the market
– Failure to delegate & the entrepreneur burns out
– Complacency & lack of sustained drive once initial goals are hit
– Over-reliance on a single marketing channel that ceases to work
– Overextending business & personal expenses after initial successes


There are common threads amongst the ~7% of businesses that do break into 7 figures (and beyond) and stay there for the long haul. 


Gonna share more on those after the break…


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Alright — picking back up on the common threads of success….


Firstly, I believe the business success comes down primarily to the person(s) leading the business. 


There are people who can start completely from scratch and build a business into a success….


….while there are others who could be given a promising company and run it into the ground. 


We all have the same amount of time available to us.

We all have the same tools available to us to share content & offers.

We all have the ability to learn (either directly or indirectly) from others who have succeeded in the ways that we want to for ourselves.


Here are a few of the things I’ve found to be among biggest attributes that make someone more likely to succeed in life:

1. They value time over everything else

If they can access information or experiences that will cut shave months or years off of their learning curve — they make it a must to not just get access but to implement it into their life.


2. They are consistent in their actions towards their goals

They surround themselves with reminders of what they’re working towards and why they want to achieve the goals. Even on days where they aren’t feeling or thinking their best, the gravitational pull of their vision & their desire pulls them towards where they want to go.

3. They are willing to play the long game

This one shows up in so many different ways.

So many people in business burn potentially valuable relationships early on because they try too hard for the short term outcome they want instead of building a real relationship.

So many people rush out to spend money as soon as they get it because they want to feel successful (or they want others to see them that way).

In a world where everything moves so fast, it is tempting to try to skip steps. People who can fall in love with each step of the journey are the ones who enjoy the most ultimate success & have the most fun along the way.  


4. They live their message & keep sharing it in creative ways


The market has gotten quite good at sniffing out the real deals from those who can merely say the right things. Authenticity shines through. As you continue show up in someone’s life sharing valuable and interesting things in novel ways, you will draw them closer to you. 


Said in another way, being Relevant and Omnipresence creates Intimacy   ; ) 


The first three are “inner game” where it is about what you value and what you do. The fourth one is a part of the “outer game” of how you share yourself with others to attract them into your world.


No one is successful on their own.

You need others to want to get involved with what you’re offering. 


The more you grow your mastery over your mindset, your finances, your messaging, and how you share those messages with the market….


….the more your business will continue to grow.

And not “just” grow, but grow in a stable, scalable way that you will continue to sustain so you beat all the odds that say your business is almost certainly doomed to fail.


I’m gearing up to share 4 weeks worth of the most important foundational pieces around Mindset, Finances, Marketing, and more that are required to build a sustainable 7+ figures business. 


Many of them are things I have only shared with my business partners and private 1-on-1 clients.

If you want to master the foundations of a 7-figure business….


Here’s the link 🙂

– Scott 

1.  How Beginners Are Successfully Buying Websites To Earn Passive Income

In this episode of the Rich Dad Radio Show, you can get a glimpse behind the scenes of how people are buying undervalued websites and earning passive income that surpasses what they used to earn by working full time.


2. Why most coaching businesses are doomed to fail before they even start…

Discover the simple shift that catapults you into the elite 1% enjoying freedom and prosperity. This critical strategy may be what you’re missing to amplify your success.


3. Stay Top of Mind With The People Who are Most Likely to Buy From You

Free “Daily Needle Mover Cheat Sheet” to help your company do business development better & faster to grow sales and gain momentum.


4. How Professional Women Can Take Back Control Of Their Body, Confidence & Health

When you finally commit to emotional fitness with the same degree of passion as you do your physical fitness or nutrition, that’s when everything finally starts coming together. Use this tried, tested and proven system to help you prioritize your emotional fitness!


That’s it for this 7-figure letter. I publish new one every Sunday. Make sure to signup here to get yours.

Four Frameworks

FREE Guide for Entrepreneurs

The 21 Laws Of Scaling A Profitable Business

I discovered 21 principles Entrepreneurs can use to scale their businesses with alignment and harmony…

If you’re an expert, author, course creator, coach, mentor or service provider making between $10-500k/mo, you are exactly who I made this for…

And I guarantee you’ll find at least 3 things that you can use today that will open you to possibilities for freedom and profit you’ve never considered until now.

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