This is a new weekly newsletter that will be focused on going “deep” on a specific framework, method or strategy for scaling past 7+ figures in your online business.
Want to get an email when I create it? Sign up here.

The following is from Tony Wang, I’ve mentored Tony personally and have been impressed for his ability to live in both the 3D (strategy and tactics) along with the 4D (intuitiveness and energy).
The following is something I believe you’ll really enjoy from him…
Michael Jordan said basketball success is 80% mental and 20% physical.
Tony Robbins said the same thing about business success. It’s 80% psychological and 20% strategic.
Any successful entrepreneur *knows* that long-term success is more than doing a few things right, at the right time. Instead, it has everything to do with consistency, patience and quickly recovering from failures and setbacks.
In other words, it’s all about your mindset and attitude.
If you’ve been able to go from zero to 5 or 6 figures in your business, it means you’ve already figured out what to sell and who to sell to. That’s the toughest part in my opinion.
To get to 7 and 8 figures, it’s simply doing more of what you’re already doing, and on a larger scale.
But it’s not always as simple as cranking up your ad spend, hiring a few more people, and calling it a day.
From my experience coaching and mentoring 5 and 6-figure entrepreneurs, the biggest barrier to getting to consistent 7-figures has less to do with strategy or tactics )because you’ve already figured a lot of that out).
The biggest barrier is getting out of your own way.
It’s to stop driving with one foot on the gas and the other one the brake. And that requires you to “clean up” your own inner world and stop unconscious negative patterns from controlling your behaviors.

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Want to scale your business to 7-figures faster without the stress and struggle?
Today’s issue is brought to you by Tony Wang, who helps experts scale their online business past 6-7 figures.
He writes a daily newsletter on marketing, copywriting and personal growth.
You can apply to join here on his website. Just mention you’re part of the 7 Figure Letter to get expedited.
Usually, there’s some sort of unconscious fear of success that blocks even the smartest and hardest working people from growing their business to their desired level.
That’s when you know exactly (or at least have a good sense of) what you need to do in order to hit the next level in your business.
Yet you avoid doing those things.
You begin to procrastinate on important tasks and are not sure why.
A simple way to test whether you have some mental barriers is to simply think about your goal and simply observe what comes up automatically.
When a client tells me he or she wants to make $X per month, the first thing I have them do is to think about making that amount, and tell me their first emotional reaction.
Many times, they feel some type of subtle fear around it.
A-ha! That’s the block right there.
The fear usually has to do with things like not being able to handle the responsibilities of success, resistance to doing what’s required to get there, doubt with whether you are qualified or “deserve it”, not being able to trust employees to do a competent job, or worry about what others will think about your success.
The next step is to process those thoughts and feelings. There are a wide range of ways to do this. And believe it or not, therapy is probably the slowest and least effective.
However, many entrepreneurs will avoid doing this.
They believe this emotional processing stuff is too “woo woo” or just a “soft skill” that doesn’t really contribute to their bottom line.
But as someone who’s gone from broke to building multiple 7-8 figure businesses, and has helped many others do the same, I can assure you it’s actually one of the highest leverage things you can do as an entrepreneur.
Because once you remove your mental barriers, you take off your brakes. You start to work with more focus, ease and flow instead of having all this inner friction in your head.
Remember, success is 80% psychological and only 20% strategic.

Here’s a few things I thought you might love…
1. If you’re not signed up for Online Business Owner Digest, I highly recc. that you do.
2. If you’re more of the “marketing” type and want to dive deep into the latest marketing “stuff”, you might like The Growth Memo.
3. Did you get my book, The Nuclear Effect? 70k people have bought it already, and if you didn’t get it yet, you could get for free this week. Make sure to enter the coupon code “freebook” on purchase page.
That’s it for this 7-figure letter. I publish new one every Sunday. Make sure to signup here to get yours.