This is a new weekly newsletter that will be focused on going “deep” on a specific framework, method or strategy for scaling past 7+ figures in your online business.
Today’s issue is written by email marketing expert Ryan Carruthers.
This issue is a quick one….
….but an important reminder for us all.
We’re all pioneering into uncharted territory each and every day.
It is the essence of being a creator and an entrepreneur.
But when we forget that?
We set ourselves up for a rude reminder and awakening….
Today’s issue is a gentle reminder and remembrance 😉
This issue is sponsored by:
How To Create & Launch Your Next Irresistible Offer In 30 Days Or Less
(Even if You’ve Never Launched An Offer Before)
Hundreds of new coaches are starting their online businesses, yet only a few will ever hit six-figures.
I wasted MONTHS messing around with things that didn’t move the needle.
Spending hours on busy work
Focusing on perfecting my brand and website
Doom scrolling Instagram looking at other coaches for “inspiration”
All this left me overwhelmed & frustrated because my business wasn’t growing.
Then I discovered the ONE thing that changed everything:
How to Create Irresistible Offers
Now I’m sharing my EXACT, 7-step process to creating & launching your own Irresistible Offer so you can start attracting your ideal clients and charge what you’re worth!
Join thousands of coaches, healers and service providers who’ve gone through this training.
Truth is…
Neither of us really know what we’re doing.
Yes, we might have skills.
Yes, we might have experience (and lots of it).
But whether we do or we don’t….
In both cases, we will fumble.
You can judge that….
Or you can embrace the fact
That you have no idea what you’re doing.
No one else really knows what they are doing either.
In essence, ever since we were babies
We’ve been just figuring it out.
Fumbling one step at a time.
I’ve found in my life,
The more I embrace the fumble
And that I don’t know what I’m doing
The better life is.
The Dunning–Kruger effect refers to when
someone overestimates how good they are.
Generally speaking – almost every Entrepreneur that is successful initially is like this.
They talk a big game.
They take big shots.
They go all in on things.
In many ways they bend reality.
It might take them a few tries..
But eventually a clock strikes twelve.
The problem with this, however, is that when you lie to yourself
You overestimate how good you are
And you forget that you are fumbling.
On the way up…
Perhaps it’s important that you think you’re better than you are.
But once things start working…
Taking a humble mindset that you don’t know what your doing is far more effective.
This isn’t to say that you aren’t confident.
However, it is to say that you’re confident that you don’t know what you are doing.
And that you are confident that you’ll always figure it out.
Perhaps the chase of figuring it out is the aim of the game
Versus the “destination” being the aim.
Fumble forward.
It’s what we’ve been doing since we’ve been on planet earth 🙂
– Scott
1. Free Assessment & Growth Plan From Scott Oldford?—Want to take your business to the next level and future proof it from what is coming in the next 1 – 5 years? Check this out….
2. How to Stay Top of Mind With Your Best Potential Buyers & Clients — Looking to grow sales & gain momentum? Grab this free “Daily Needle Mover Cheat Sheet” to help your company do business development better & faster.
3. Tired of Trading Your Time for Money? — Get ready to break free from this “trap” & learn how to leverage your time to increase your income….without giving away all of your time in order to do it!
That’s it for this 7-figure letter. I publish new one every Sunday. Make sure to signup here to get yours.