This is a new weekly newsletter that will be focused on going “deep” on a specific framework, method or strategy for scaling past 7+ figures in your online business.

The short answer? Yes.
The longer answer? Yes.
It’s the day before 2024.
You could be doing a lot of things, however, the most important thing I’d urge you to do?
Ask yourself, what you really want.
And ask yourself, what you really don’t want.
You truly can craft your reality from your desires.
However, if you don’t know what you want
Or what you don’t want
You can’t.
I’m not a massive believer in vision boards plastered with images.
I don’t work that way.
However, having a place where you can review everything you desire
Complete with some specifics and preferences, allows us to have a compass for our life.
My happiness in my life has been greatest when I’m clear about what I want and what I don’t.
Same for my fulfillment.
See… it’s really easy to get caught up in the moment of life and business.
Something seems like it could be really cool to do…
That it’s a big opportunity…
But a lot of the time the things that seem like the “next big thing”…
Aren’t aligned to what you actually desire.
It’s not always easy to catch yourself.
A while ago, I had this idea… that I would work really hard… for 5 years so I could “retire”…
I pursued that for 6 months…
The problem with that idea?
Find out below “after the jump”!

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The problem with my goal to retire early?
It came from a place of scarcity and inauthenticity.
It wasn’t my desire to work really hard.
It wasn’t my desire to retire.
It wasn’t my desire to try to control my timeline on planet earth.
And pursuing it didn’t work out well.
In hindsight, I didn’t look at that those core desires enough and in making that choice.
I don’t regret it.
However, it wasn’t the highest level of alignment that I could have experienced.
I discovered during that time that I need to have deep clarity on my core desires.
Way more clear than I’d previously thought.
And I discovered something during that time about what I don’t want.
I needed disciplined to see the sneaky ways they show up.
I had to be solid in my boundaries to ensure it didn’t continue to grow or occur in my life.
We craft our reality.
But our reality can only be crafted from understanding ourselves.
Right now, if you can…
Take 15 minutes, drop in and ask yourself:
What Do I Really Want?
What Would Happen….If It Happened?
Lead yourself into 2024 from that place
– Scott

1. Want To Keep More Of The Money You Make?
If you are in business to make profit, you know it isn’t just about earning more revenue.
In fact, focusing solely on revenue growth rarely grows your profit margins.
And healthier profit margins are what will make your business more valuable & more resilient.
This free guide will give you 50 ways you can increase profitability in 2024.
2. How to Sign 2 – 4 New Coaching Clients Every Month
This free client attraction guide from Jason Moss gives you a simple, 4-step roadmap for how to consistently attract new coaching clients into your business.
Follow these simple “Do’s” and “Don’ts” to attract your next clients without scaring them away or raising red flags.
3. Worried About A Recession In 2024? Get Ahead Now
While many businesses die in a recession, some businesses don’t just survive…..they thrive and continue to grow.
The quality of your strategy will determine the fate of your company.
Book a free strategy session with renowned business strategy expert Dr. Marc Sniukas today.
4. Million In The Red: Founders ONLY Edition
This week I am hosting a live workshop to share some of hte most important things I’ve learned about the Finance and Mindset pillars.
This includes some preview content for my book that is coming out in early 2024 called Million In The Red.
Get exclusive early access for only $47!
That’s it for this 7-figure letter. I publish new one every Sunday. Make sure to signup here to get yours.