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Although I spend a lot of money on Facebook Ads, it’s organic Facebook posts that create the best engagement and long-term value. The problem is, if you don’t go about your Facebook Content Strategy in the right way, you get zero value.
And I’m afraid to say most people go about it the wrong way.
You can fix this with a quick tweak to your Facebook marketing strategy, so if you want to dominate Facebook, listen up because I want to share my personal approach (and show you how easy and inexpensive it is).
6 Facebook Post Ideas That Increase Brand Awareness and Drive Engagement
As you may have noticed, Facebook is a bit of a minefield. It’s packed with content, and most of it will not help you. Your audience faces the same issue, so the chances of standing out and building trust with them are slim if you do what everyone else does.
So if you want to dominate Facebook in 2018, you need to embrace these six Facebook Story Types. This Facebook marketing strategy will help you connect with your audience in a big way, and if you combine all six you will develop a super power that sets you apart from your competitors.
1: Personal Philosophy or Belief
The first (and in my opinion, most important) story type, is the personal philosophy / belief posts that show your audience who you are.
This isn’t about you ranting and preaching, and telling everyone else how wrong they are. This is simply a post where you share what you believe, based on what has worked for you in the past.
For instance, here a few of my own Personal Belief Posts:
- The Hustler vs The Kingdom…
- Consistency is born out of Discipline…
- The IDEA behind being Omnipresent and why being Relevant is so Important…
The reason these types of posts are so powerful is that they bring you closer to the ‘right’ kind of person, and drives you away from the ‘wrong’ kind. The truth is, you cannot serve everyone. Your job is to create massive value for those you can, and attract those with the same mission and purpose as your own.
2: Personal Story
Sharing personal stories with your audience is important, especially when they include some form of tactical takeaway. Achieve this and your audience will be both emotionally and logically impacted, which means they magnetize towards you and your content.
Here are a few of my own personal story posts:
- The 11 Things I’m Eliminating from My Life…
- Yesterday, Murphy’s Law KICKED me in the face…
- “Hey Scott, there’s a request to pay $150,000 in the mail”…
Your personal stories also provide a glimpse into your own life, and forces you to ‘bleed on the page’. Remember, there’s a lot of white noise on Facebook, and your job is to make your audience feel something. A sure way to do this and build trust is to invite them into your story.
3: Lifestyle
This is not about showing off your car or vacation, but rather how you and your team live life. Likewise, this isn’t about bragging about what you have, but it is about you showing your audience how you go about your everyday.
Some of my own lifestyle story posts include:
- Just had an awesome time with Kimra Luna…
- I must target a lot of people in LA…
- Before 2021, I want to do an Entrepreneur-only EDM concert…
Sharing these lifestyle posts is important, because like your personal story, it invites your audience into your life and shows them how you live outside of work. It shows them you’re a real person and gives them a glimpse into the “real” you.
4: Results (how to training)
Although you can share some of your own results some of the time, the secret here is to focus on other people’s (aka how you have helped your audience succeed). When you do this, you aren’t bragging, rather elevating someone else (and making them the hero).
Here are some of my own story types that focus on results:
Where possible, include an element of ‘how to training’ in these posts so they show your audience how to achieve the same success. And when you do share your own results, make sure it includes an element of your personal story, so it doesn’t come across as bragging.
5: Question
I hate it when people ask dumb (and pointless) questions on Facebook. The questions you ask your audience can be about anything (not always business), but each one you do ask NEEDS to have a purpose.
Here are some question I’ve asked that sparks both an emotional and a logical response:
- What if the #1 reason why you can’t grow the business was removed?
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and encourage your audience to engage, but DO NOT ask questions for the sake of it. The moment you do, you become part of the white noise that people hate.
6: Invitation (ASK)
This final type of post involves you inviting your audience to do something: join a webinar, download a new guide, read a new article you’re working on…
This can be a standard call to action, or as I like to do, invite your audience to decide what you should and should not create:
- Reviewing the brand new guide…
- Would you like to see the “Behind the Scenes” of a $250k Product…
Technically, a single post could include all six of these elements, but the best ones tend to focus on one or two.
If you want to dominate Facebook in 2018, you need to embrace all six so someone goes from personal belief, to personal story, to lifestyle, to results, and so on…
When you compile these so they follow in succession, what you end up with is a magical formula where your audience gets to know you, themselves, connects and builds trust with you and your work, and then says yes the moment you invite them to dive deeper.
Whether you build an organic Facebook marketing strategy around this or use it in your paid advertising, you become an omnipresent and relevant force of nature that is top of mind at all times.