Book Funnel: How I Sold 50,000 Copies & How You Can Too

Book funnel

Do you need a book funnel?

This is a question I often asked myself in the lead up to launching The Nuclear Effect.

I knew the answer was yes. The problem was, I also knew a standard funnel wouldn’t work.

Although similar to any other digital product, a book is a different kind of beast. I didn’t want to just sell copies but also guide readers toward certain offers. 

This is where the real money is when using a book inside of the ecosystem of your business. Although you don’t need me to tell you that. You already know a book on its own won’t transform your business.

[Sidenote: Not all books are meant to build a business, as an author, each of our books have their own goals, in my case, I was looking to build a “showcase” of my 6 Pillar model & increase revenue in my businesses] 

But the right book… with the right offer attached to it… that gives you an unfair advantage!

After experimenting throughout 2020 and 2021 (]none of us will forget those two years anytime soon!!), I honed in on a process that works. 

It’s helped me not only sell 50,000 copies (so far!!) but convert many of these readers into customers, clients, and partners.

I can easily account for millions of dollars of sales through this book funnel!

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves… because this isn’t just about what I’ve achieved.

This article is about showing you how to do the same with your own book funnel 👇👇

Book Funnel—Table of Contents:

How I Sold 50,000 Copies of My Book (so far!!) With This Book Funnel

What Does a Book Funnel Do?

How Do You Make a Funnel For a Book?

Dissecting The Book Funnel (step by step)

1: Drive Traffic

2: Landing Page

3: Optin Page

4: Order/Checkout Page

5: Thank You Page (/Up-Sell)

6: The Email Sequences

7: Re-Targeting

8: Shipping/Fulfillment


The Results From This Book Funnel (so far!!)

Book Funnel—Conclusions & Next Steps

How I Sold 50,000 Copies of My Book (so far!!) With This Book Funnel

This is The Nuclear Effect, the book I released toward the end of 2020.

I spent two years writing and editing it, and then most of 2020 planning its launch and how to best market it. It isn’t the first book I’ve published. 

But I knew this was the first book I’d written that would truly change lives.

Why? Because I’d spent the years leading up to it perfecting the framework discussed in the book. 

It not only helped me build my own 7+ figure businesses but countless others I mentored and partnered with.

I won’t go into what the book is about here because that isn’t what this article’s about—if you want to learn about those 6 Pillars, check this out!

Better yet, grab your copy of the book here 👈👈

What’s important is to understand who I wrote this book for: entrepreneurs looking to stand out from the crowd and exponentially grow their businesses.

This matters because the book funnel I’m about to share won’t work for every book. It’s designed to help you shift copies and then move your readers toward a much bigger prize. 

That isn’t to say you can’t make a lot of money from your book. 

You can! It also doesn’t mean this is only for self-published authors (it works if you have a traditional publishing contract or some kind of hybrid approach).

But it’s important you only use this funnel if your book’s a good fit.

If it is, you quickly create an unfair advantage. If not… you won’t.

So before we get into the good stuff, let’s answer a few key questions:

What Does a Book Funnel Do?

As with any funnel, a book funnel takes your audience on a journey. Your book plays an important role in this, but it doesn’t necessarily play the lead character.

  • Do you need to become a bestseller for this to work? No!
  • Do you need to appeal to a mass audience? No!
  • Do you need to sell a million copies during launch? No! (more on this soon…)

The point of your book funnel is to leverage your book so it can fulfill its potential. It turns readers into loyal advocates that become customers, partners, and collaborators. 

It allows you to turn a $10 book into a six, seven, or even eight-figure business!

[Sidenote: If you aren’t familiar with the word “funnel”, it simply means a defined “flow” in which we guide a potential customer through.] 

How Do You Make a Funnel For a Book?

As you’ll soon see, the specifics of your book funnel depends on your:

  • Book
  • Audience
  • Offer

No two funnels are the same. Yet they share certain qualities in common. In this guide, I’ll show you what these are. But there’s one key ingredient you need. And it’s vital you know this before we go further…


The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when publishing a book is that they obsess over the launch. It’s understandable. After all, you likely built your business by knocking launches out of the park. 

But here’s the thing… it’s hard to get someone to buy your book during the first week of its release.

Even if you have a large audience.

Even if you have built a ton of credibility.

Even if you have a massive network.

Take me as an example. I sold less than 2,000 copies during launch week. Considering the size of my audience and network, this is a tiny number. 

But it’s the reality when publishing a book—especially if it has a niche audience as The Nuclear Effect does.

Why? Because a book takes a lot of time to read. 

There’s also a lot of books to choose from. It isn’t easy to convince someone to choose yours.

This is where your book funnel comes in!

It allows you to play the long game. It lets you leverage your launch for bigger and better things. 

It redefines what success looks like. 

It’s no longer about hitting the bestseller list on week one and then slipping into obscurity thereafter.

This isn’t how most entrepreneurs approach their book and get it all wrong,

Which is why it’s a huge opportunity for you!

Dissecting The Book Funnel (step by step)

What follows is the book funnel that’s helped me sell 50,000 copies of The Nuclear Effect (so far!!) and build highly profitable revenue on the backend. 

What I’m about to share didn’t just happen. 

It took a lot of trial and error. It’s also something me and my team continue to experiment with.

Be sure to take notes throughout. But think critically as you do.

You have to relate all this to Your Book, Your Audience, and Your Offer!

This isn’t an out-of-the-box solution. This is a guide. With the right approach, it gives you that unfair advantage you crave. Yet only if you tailor this to fit you and your situation.

Keep this in mind throughout, especially in step one…

Did you grab your copy of the book? If you want to scale your business to 7-figures and beyond, click here to grab it for $1.

1: Drive Traffic

As with any funnel, your first step is to drive traffic into it. 

You don’t need me to tell you there’s no single solution that works for everyone. 

You know your audience. 

You know where they are and how they like to consume content.

If not, find this out! Now!!

Any funnel only works if it’s tailored for your audience. It’s no different here. So although I can share the type of content I’ve created to drive traffic, it may or may not work for you.

For me, I’ve focussed my attention on:

  • Paid Ads (mainly Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Amazon)
  • Social Media (largely through my Facebook Groups and my Instagram)
  • Email Marketing

In many ways, every piece of content I’ve created in the past and continue to create now helps drive traffic into this book funnel. 

The common theme all my content shares is that it helps keep me top of mind. 

People learn of me. They’re inspired to learn about me. They visit my website and explore.

In time, they find The Nuclear Effect.

But you have to place your attention somewhere. I’ve placed mine mostly on ads.

Facebook Ads

If you’ve followed my work in recent years, you know the role Facebook Ads have played in scaling my businesses. 

So long as you know what you’re doing, you can use them to explode your growth and scale your operations. 

But it is a minefield. And many entrepreneurs get ads all wrong.

I won’t go into how to do the ads the right way here. Instead, study:

I’ve broken this book funnel into two types of ads:

  1. Cold Traffic
  2. Warm Traffic

Depending on your audience, the differences between these ad types might remain similar. 

For instance, I use some videos/images for both but tweak the headlines and copy. 

The main difference between the two is that you have to sell YOU more when dealing with cold traffic.

They don’t know you, so why would they care about your book?

Sure, use your book as a way to hook them… but you also have to make them buy into you.

Here are some of the cold ads I’ve used for the book funnel that have worked the best:

In terms of engagement, the image ad that showcases a box of the book has performed best. 

I generally prefer video, but sometimes a simple, engaging image is the way to go. 

Yet what matters more than the video/image is the headline and copy. 

Again, it’s not just about the book. 

Because these are going to a cold audience that doesn’t know me, I have to get them to buy into me.

That’s why some of the ads include part of my story and LOTS of social proof that back up my claims.

I usually have 3-5 of these cold ads in circulation. But I’ve tested and experimented throughout. None of this just happened. I’ve made revisions, tweaked headlines, and altered copy. Nothing remains the same.

Simply put… the more testing of ads you can do, the more winners you’ll find. 

Compared to warm ads, I’ve followed a similar process and used many of the same visuals. 

Only I’ve tested alternative headlines and copy that focus more on the book.

Social proof remains important (it’s ALWAYS important!!) but the message focuses on the book. After all, these targets an audience that knows me. 

They know my story. 

They know who I am. 

So although many of these ads are similar, they also differ a great deal.

This is what I hope you take from this… to appreciate you have to speak to a cold audience different from a warm one. Often, you can use the same videos and images. 90% of the ad may remain the same. 

But it’s that 10% that makes all the difference.

I also use more warm ads—usually 5-10 in circulation at any one time. 

It’s important I remain top of mind to this group because they know me and (to a certain extent) trust me.

The more I expose them to my book, the better chance I have of converting them.

This summarizes how I’ve used Facebook ads to drive traffic into my book funnel

As often is the case, Facebook Ads have paved the way for success. Yet it isn’t the only way I’ve driven traffic into the book funnel. I’ve had to step into a new platform, and it’s one that’s opened my eyes.

As a note: Instagram has also worked, along with YouTube advertising for the book and I’m certain there’s even more platforms for the growth of the book. I’m very “pro” trying to find as many paid avenues as possible when growing a brand (and a book). 

Amazon Ads

Before publishing The Nuclear Effect, I hadn’t experimented with Amazon Ads (at least not in a significant way). 

Yet I knew this was the time to dive in because Amazon would introduce me to a whole new type of audience.

BUT there is one large difference between Amazon Ads and Facebook Ads.

  • Facebook Ads: I’m driving people to an optin page
  • Amazon Ads: I’m directly promoting the book

In some ways, this is good. I’d spend $1,000 on Amazon and get $500 back almost immediately through book sales/royalties—as well as any future money on the backend after they read the book.

The downside to this is it’s hard to measure the overall impact your ads have on the big picture.

Through Facebook Ads, you can track a person’s journey. They see an ad, visit an optin page, download a lead magnet, and then you feed them more content through email sequences and retargeting ads. 

Whether they read your book or not, you can direct them toward your higher-ticket offer.

You can’t do this through Amazon Ads. Focus remains on the book. They see an ad, visit your book page, and buy it. 

It delivers a faster return on your investment, but there’s no way of knowing if this person reads your book—or when they read it, how long it takes them, or if they sign up for other content.

It may lead to upsells down the line… but it’s hard to track this.

From my experience so far, I know it does lead to upsells. But I don’t have the hard data.

At least, not in the same way as I do with Facebook.

Regardless, I’ve found a lot of value in using Amazon Ads so far and I’ve been able to track plenty of Entrepreneurs who’ve become customers because of it.

That might sound like a bad deal, but think about the bigger picture for a second…

A big reason why I’ve gathered 500+ reviews is through Amazon Ads. The reason I consistently ride high in the charts (at least for a niche book like this) comes down to Amazon Ads.

In short, these ads keep me relevant in the world’s biggest bookstore!

This is a big deal, and it comes back to social proof. The more copies I sell… the more reviews I gather… the more people read the book means I have more proof to share in ads, email, and sales pages.

The fact I only get $.50 back on each dollar I spend is a worthy investment if you ask me. 

Even though it’s hard to track the exact impact it has on my bottom line, it helps keep me and my book visible on one of the largest platforms around—not just a bookstore, but a search engine!!

It’s played a large role in the book funnel so far, and it’s set to continue. 

The good news is that Amazon keeps improving its advertising platform. 

Compared to Facebook, it’s so basic. Yet it’s getting there. 

I’m excited about the possibilities as we enter 2022 and beyond.

Facebook Group(s)

The final area I’ve placed a lot of focus on is social media—specifically inside my Facebook Groups.

I’ve created a lot of groups over the years. For this book, I focussed on my previous free Scale Community.

After Paid Ads, you could argue Facebook Groups like these have played the biggest role in scaling my businesses.

Without them, it feels like you’re throwing content into the wind. 

Yet with a carefully crafted group, you not only increase engagement but build a lot of trust.

The people in these groups know me. They trust me. Many of them have worked with me in the past. They knew about the book long before I published it. 

In the lead-up to launch, they become my biggest advocates—buying copies, setting up partnerships, promoting it to their own audiences!

The thing is, this takes time. I had these groups long before the book. 

And although I use them to promote the book to this day, I’m careful about when (and how often).

All this is good news for you if you already have an established group/community. If not, you may struggle to both build it and gather the engagement you need. 

For me, it’s had a large impact—especially during the first few weeks of launch.

Yet they continue to drive new, relevant traffic into my book funnel to this day.

These are people that know me. They trust me. They’re eager to dive deeper.

That’s what comes next as we turn traffic into leads…

2: Landing Page

All my traffic funnels back to this page…

At the time of writing, I’m experimenting with a $1 price point (more on this later), but I’ve experimented throughout this journey. Different price points. Different calls to action. Different copy.

At the beginning we tested $5.90 along with $7, both of those price points didn’t impact sales.

At the moment, the $1 price point has increased sales without hurting the upsell process and because I’m not optimizing for front-end sales, I’m happy to sell it for that.

Please don’t see this landing page and think it just happened. It didn’t. It’s a process!

This is also page 1/4, which is a different approach many entrepreneurs take. But this is one of the reasons I’ve had so much success—don’t worry, I’ll explain why I’ve done this and the purpose of each page as we go on.

As you can see from the above screenshot, the page begins like many other landing pages.

  • A compelling title that explains what the book does and who it helps
  • An equally important sub-title centered on social proof
  • Followed by a short section about me and my story
  • Before highlighting the key topics inside the book.

This is basically where information about the book ends. The rest of the page centers around several pieces of social proof. Again, this isn’t an approach many authors take. 

They focus on what the book’s about, who it’s for, why it’s different from every other book, and dive too deep into the inner workings.

It isn’t to say that information isn’t important.

But let’s take a look at Amazon once again and how people buy books on there…

Is there a super long book description?

Is there a bunch of real estate used on content pages and lists of topics?

NO! Social proof sits at the heart of everything Amazon does. The same applies here with The Nuclear Effect. The aim of this page focuses more on who’s read the book instead of what the book’s about.

As you’ll soon see…

First, let’s touch upon an important pop-up that appears on this page after a few seconds.

I use Unbounce to create my pages, which allows for eye-catching pop-ups like this. Not everyone likes them, and I’m not a huge advocate myself. 

But I’ve found 14% of people fill in this short form. 

That’s huge!!

As you’ll soon see, the purpose of this page isn’t to sell but rather to capture the person’s name, email address, and phone number. 

This pop-up is the first attempt at this. It’s simple, clear, and stands out. 

If someone doesn’t have time to dive into the page now, they can fill this form out and I email them the details. 

Whereas for those that do have time to explore, they see this…

Social Proof!! Testimonials, of course, but also pictures of real people holding my book. You cannot overlook proof like this. Similar to Amazon, this is proof from actual readers. Visual proof at that. It’s huge!

Beyond that, this section of the page turns focus to them and who the book’s for.

Then, lots more social proof…

Earlier, I talked about how I’m okay spending $1 on Amazon only to get $.50 back in sales. This is a big reason why. 

Doing so has helped me generate 500+ reviews (so far!!). 

These are real reviews from real readers. You cannot beat social proof like this.

Once more, the main focus of this page is to provide proof stacked upon proof. 

This is what people crave. 

They don’t care so much about what the book’s about, rather if it’s worth their time. 

They’re skeptical about what I say—even if they know and trust me. 

Yet when you share dozens of reviews like this, it’s hard to deny. 

Again, this is what Amazon does. This is how Amazon built its empire. It works!!

The page then ends with yet more proof, only this time from well-known authority figures in this space. This kind of social proof still matters, as do a few other types that come on the next page.

Because although this page is where the journey begins, it isn’t where the magic happens.

3: Optin Page

When you click on the “buy button” you don’t go to a checkout page. 

Instead, you land on an optin page that makes this book funnel unlike most.

[sidenote]: at the moment, we’re experimenting with a $1 digital offer, meaning we don’t currently have an optin page. Most of the time we do, but we’re finding good results with this experiment. Still, we’ve also found great results with this optin page—so we’ll see what the future has in store 😏

Sure, you could direct people straight to a cart.

But you don’t need me to tell you that generating sales is only part of the process.

After all, a book is a small ticket item (you can get mine for just $1!!!).

The real magic comes from collecting email addresses so you can retarget your audience later. Not just so you can sell more copies of your book or gather more reviews, but up-sell, cross-sell, and build trust.

That’s the purpose of this page… a simple place to capture their details before they buy.

As with the previous page, there’s some information about the book. But the focus remains on social proof, once again using real readers and their reviews to build credibility.

Then videos… lots of videos of readers talking about the book. I’ve thought about adding some videos to the first landing page, but it’s a large time investment. 

At this stage, those on this page are ready to pull the trigger. They still have objections, but engaging videos like these help overcome them.

4: Order/Checkout Page

All roads lead here… the checkout page I create using Samcart.

At this stage, they’ve already provided their name and email address. They’re already invested, increasing the chance of them completing the sale. 

It provides clear next steps on how to finish their order, accompanied by a few clear and compelling headlines.

But the interesting part of this page is what’s just below the fold…

As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, selling books isn’t the main priority of this book funnel. The book plays a fundamental role, but on its own, it doesn’t provide a huge revenue stream. 

It’s all about the cross-sell and up-sell opportunities. That begins here with a few additional add-ons.

I’ve experimented a lot with this, and what I’ve found is it’s best to offer the digital copy upfront and then provide physical copies as an add-on (along with other masterclasses, courses, etc…).

Results so far are good:

  • 30-40% of people add a physical copy to their order
  • 40-50% add the Nuclear Effect Masterclass

I’ve found a lot of success with this approach, turning a $1-10 sale into a $30-150 sale. Yet the most important lesson I’ve learned is that simple is best. 

Don’t go overboard with this page. 

Keep the order form simple. Keep the copy simple. 

Keep your add-ons simple (and don’t provide too many).

The last thing you want here is to overwhelm them.

But don’t worry, there are more up-sell opportunities to follow later in this book funnel…

5: Thank You Page (/Up-Sell)

After someone completes their order, they’re directed to a thank you page like this one.

One of the reasons I use Samcart is it allows you to experiment with different thank you pages/up-sells. 

And I’ve experimented with several approaches!!

I don’t have a favorite so far, although the page above is good as it resulted in 15% of people adding the free trial—this is great from a recurring revenue perspective.

But I’ve tested other offers, including:

So far, I’ve found <$50 is the sweet spot. Yet I continue to experiment—this is a great opportunity to test new offers, run seasonal promotions, and validate new courses/programs.

I also use this page to direct people to the Scale Facebook Group.

This is a natural next step for many, giving them direct access to me and other readers.

It’s been a great add-on, too, resulting in lots of new members that increases engagement and trust.

This brings us to the end of the initial phase of the book funnel. 

At this stage, they’ve not only purchased a copy of the book but provided their name, email address, phone number, and a few other important pieces of information.

This is where it gets interesting… starting inside their inbox.

6: The Email Sequences

Even with all these new social media platforms and technological advancements, email remains as relevant as ever—well, maybe not as ever, but certainly relevant enough to be in your book funnel.

If you’ve followed my journey over the years, you know how much value I place in gathering an email address. 

Getting inside someone’s inbox is still one of the best places to start a conversation. 

Beyond this, it’s the place to build trust and rapport, as well as turn an interested lead into a paying customer.

So it should be no surprise that email plays a central role in this book funnel. 

There are four different sequences to consider, each one with a specific purpose:

  1. The Purchase sequence (ie: if someone buys the book)
  2. The No-Purchase Sequence (ie: if someone doesn’t buy it)
  3. The Transition Sequence (ie: where you move someone into your main list)
  4. The “Next Thing” Sequence (ie: the follow up/up-sell emails)

Other email plays a role in this book funnel, such as select broadcasts and evergreen content from other funnels. 

Yet these are the ones designed to take your readers on a specific journey—not just related to the book, but everything that comes after it.

Let’s dive into each…

The Purchase Sequence:

  • Who it’s for: those that purchased the paperback version of The Nuclear Effect
  • Purpose: to provide them with information about what happens next, dives into what the book is about (and its origin story), and begins to share social proof in a bid to establish trust and authority.
  • Number of emails: 8-10

This initial sequence is a short one that takes place over the first few days. Overall, it’s designed to:

  • Give your audience clear details on what happens next
  • Ask them questions so you can better get to know them and their problems
  • Introduce the book’s main topic(s) and share how it all started
  • Provide several pieces of social proof that prove you (the author) as an authority

In general, these emails are short and sweet. You have to assume at this stage the person reading doesn’t know you. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm them with long emails. Instead, I link to interviews and previous articles. This gives them the choice to engage and learn more if they wish.

In short, this initial sequence is designed to prepare the reader for what comes next. At this stage, they don’t have the book. Some are ready to dive deeper and purchase programs, but many aren’t. 

This is where the trust-building process begins, which we dive into more soon.

First, we need to look at a sequence similar to this, but with a few key differences.

The No-Purchase Sequence:

  • Who it’s for: those that didn’t buy the paperback version (ie: bought a digital copy of The Nuclear Effect)
  • Purpose: to provide information about what happens next, dives into what the book is about (and its origin story) and begins to share some social proof in a bid to establish trust and authority—as well as providing a few upsell opportunities to buy a physical copy of the book.
  • Number of emails: 8-10

Overall, this email is VERY similar to the last one. In fact, you’ll find you copy and paste most of the emails and make a few minor tweaks—referencing the digital copy instead of a paperback. 

The point remains to warm your reader up, build trust, and establish credibility.

The main difference between this sequence and the previous one is you may want to offer a few upsell opportunities to buy a physical copy of the book (either for themselves or as a gift). 

This is worth experimenting with, though (as well as other versions, such as an audiobook).

I continue to test different ideas here. The reality is, different individuals consume in different ways. Although you may want them to have a physical copy, you cannot push this on them too hard. 

So long as they consume the book, all is well.

It also sets you up for the next step which both the Purchase and No-Purchase sequences funnel into.

The Transition Sequence:

  • Who it’s for: those that have gone through either the purchase or no-purchase sequences
  • Purpose: to establish greater trust and credibility, not just through stories and social proof, but also training and other resources—this is where you not only highlight what their problem is but give them some of the tools to take action.
  • Number of emails: 10-15

The biggest difference between this sequence and the previous ones is depth. 

In general, these emails are longer. They cover more. They don’t scratch the surface… they go deep!

The overall point remains to establish trust and credibility. But instead of short and sweet references, I “show” my reader I’ve walked the walk by revealing strategies, frameworks, and methodologies—this includes linking to other articles and resources but also covering many of the steps inside the email itself.

I drip these emails out over a longer period, usually every 1-2 days. It’s important to share these frequently because you want to remain top of mind. 

But several emails in one day don’t work at this stage. The emails are too long and often require further reading (or implementation). 

So take your time… although don’t take too much of it 😏

Above all, you want to set your audience up for what comes next. It’s all about establishing credibility and building trust, but also making sure they know what their problem is (and that help is on the way)!!

The “Next Thing” Sequence:

  • Who it’s for: those you’ve already nurtured and warmed up and are ready for the “next thing”.
  • Purpose: to convert your book reader into a higher-paying customer/client.
  • Number of emails: 12-15

All paths lead here. For some, this may center around an evergreen program, membership, or another high-ticket offer. For others, it may change throughout the year as you release new events and courses.

Me… I’ve experimented with different offers—some low-ticket (<$100), others higher-ticket ($1,000+).

There’s no right or wrong approach per se. It comes down to you and your audience (and yes, it’s something you likely have to experiment with… A LOT!!).

What I will say is, don’t feel like you have to pitch a high-ticket offer at this stage.

I’ve found great success with cheaper offers, such as this $55 workshop.


It’s important to read the room. After all, a couple of weeks ago, someone found me online and bought my book for $10-30. Is now the time to pitch them a $5,000 program or $100,000 mentorship? 

Maybe… maybe not. Again, you have to read your room and get to know your audience.

In my experience, I’ve found an affordable workshop, course, or masterclass works because it:

  1. Produces fast cash upfront that I can reinvest in the book funnel, and
  2. Provides a perfect opportunity to up-sell during the event

It’s similar to a webinar, only it’s a paid product that provides value in its own right.

I continue to experiment with all this: different offers, different price points, different topics…

This is the email sequence that changes the most, and, because it’s one everyone funnels into, it’s easy to bring new and existing customers alike into it.

Want to dive deeper into Copywriting?

This guide is about the whole book funnel, so I didn’t want to slow it down with a massive deep dive into copywriting and the secret ingredients that go into creating a copy that works. If that’s what you’re after, check out: The 4-step copywriting guide.

In total, it takes someone 4-5 weeks to receive all these emails. They begin as someone who’s just bought my book, but end as one ready to take the next step with me. 

Much of this takes part inside their inbox, but it isn’t the only focus of this book funnel—as we dive into next in the ReTargeting section.

7: Re-Targeting

On its own, email only achieves so much. Getting top of mind in someone’s inbox remains one of the most powerful superpowers, yet it doesn’t give us a complete idea of what life in 2022 is like.

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Google
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin
  • All those blogs, podcasts, and news sites we frequent…

Most of us spend too much time exploring the web. Sometimes on our laptop, many times on our phone. All the while, a bunch of algorithms track our progress. 

They take note of what we search for. 

What we like. What we don’t like. 

In many ways, these algorithms know us better than we know ourselves.

It’s dangerous, in the wrong hands.

Yet it’s also powerful if you:

  1. Know what you’re doing, and
  2. Care about your audience

Me… I want the right people to find The Nuclear Effect because I know the impact it will have on their lives. Yet they won’t find it unless I work hard behind the scenes to make sure they do. There are just too many other books out there—let alone podcasts, video channels, blogs, etc…

This is the outlook you need!

If you believe in your book, get it in front of those that need it!!

That’s where retargeting comes in because it helps you place relevant ads in front of relevant people at relevant times. Facebook, Google, that blog or forum your readers turn to… retargeting allows you to reach the right people.

It gives you the power to show ads to those that visit relevant websites…

It lets you re-share ads to people who land on your book’s landing page…

It allows you to release timely content to those already inside your book funnel…

The good news is, this is easier than ever. I won’t go into all this here as I have a few other resources that cover this superpower in detail:

You may also want to watch this video and take notes…

The point to note here is to take retargeting seriously. It’s a superpower too many people continue to overlook. They focus on paid ads at the top of the funnel but then hope email takes care of the rest. 

Big missed opportunity! 

Yet it’s also a minefield, so make sure you study those resources above 👆👆

When you use retargeting ads alongside your various email sequences, you become top of mind; not just in their inbox, but all over the web. That’s my approach for The Nuclear Effect book funnel. 

I have around 20-30 pieces of relevant content that hit the right people at the right time (before and after they buy).

This content centers around:

  • What’s inside the book
  • Social proof focussing on other people that read the book
  • High-level frameworks that feature in the book
  • Stories about me and how it relates to the book

The common factor here is the book. To get top of mind, I need to frequently get it in front of people. Sometimes through a video, other times an image. 

This has led to sales and up-sells, but, more importantly, it keeps me and the book visible; it makes sure we remain relevant!

This is more than half the battle in today’s world of content overload.

You need to stand out. 

Retargeting is how you do it!!

8: Shipping/Fulfillment

Overall, this covers the book funnel from start to finish. None of this is something that just happened. As I share next, I’ve experimented and tested A LOT. Some have worked. Others not! 

A book funnel like this evolves—and each one differs depending on the book, industry, and audience.

Yet there is one aspect we’ve yet to mention.

And it’s an important one because it kinda makes the whole book funnel work…


Once someone buys your book, you need to get it to them (plus any other bonuses, workbooks, or resources you include in upsells). 

Assuming you don’t want to waste your time sticking stamps and making countless trips to the post office, you need a shipment/fulfillment partner.

Keep in mind, for $1, we don’t include the physical version. It’s an upsell that we use on the backend, with most of our physical copies being sold via Amazon. 

Unlike most free+shipping offers, this allows for simplicity, along with ease for the fact that 60%+ of our customers are not in North America. 

For those that do buy, I use ShipZoom. There are other services to choose from, yet I’ve found a lot of success using them. They take the hassle out of everything. 

With a few integrations, they’re sent everything they need to fulfill and ship my books.

Then, each month, they bill me.

It’s that simple. Better yet, it’s scalable. My advice is to think about this before you build and grow your book funnel. Even if you don’t need a service like this from the beginning, you soon will. 


The final step of this book funnel is to reiterate something I’ve said a lot: TEST!!

Nothing I share here is an out-of-the-box solution. This is a book funnel that works for me and my audience. And as you’ll see next, it’s a funnel that’s evolved over time. 

What works for you… that’s for you to figure out.

  • Price points
  • Bonuses/up-sells
  • Copy
  • Email sequences
  • Paid ads…

Experiment at all times. You have to figure out what works for you. 

Then, you need to keep moving with the times because what works now won’t always work. It just doesn’t happen like that. 

This is the mindset I have with everything. 

Whenever I build something like a funnel, I spend months breaking it. That initial launch is just a hypothesis. It’s your job to test it with one idea after another.

Then, when you find something that works, keep optimizing it until it stops working. 

Move on to the next thing, and then the next, and so on and so on…

This is the only approach you can take with any funnel. A book funnel’s no different. With an outlook like this, you can find some serious success around both the book and your other offers that surround it.

The Results From This Book Funnel (so far!!)

Before I share any results, I’d like to remind you that this is my journey. Don’t compare your results to mine. Use them as inspiration, sure, but appreciate your book and situation are unique to you.

You may not sell as many copies as me. Then again, you may sell many more.

The way I see it, I’m still in the middle of this journey. I continue to experiment and test new ideas. I continue to change, evolve, and leverage what I can. Nothing I share in this guide is set in stone.

We continue to evolve it as time goes on.

However, the simple truth is… This book has helped continue to build my brand and help turn followers into customers and strangers into massive fans. 

These numbers only tell part of the story. The main reason I know this book funnel works better than most is that it’s taken dozens of people from not knowing who I am and led them on a journey where I’m now their mentor (some paying $100,000+ because they know I’m the guy that can help them!).

This book has also helped me reconnect with old customers, clients, and otherwise cold segments of my audience (some from businesses I closed down years ago). 

Through this book, I’ve become relevant to them once more. They read the book and get value. They attend a workshop and get direction. 

From there, they buy into a coaching program that gives them the exact tools they need.

So it’s not just a new audience this book funnel’s helped me reach…

It’s allowed me to re-engage an old one, leading to large new revenue streams!

This isn’t a short-term book funnel that shifts a million copies and helps you make fast cash. If that’s what you’re after, this is not for you. 

Instead, it moves people from the Slow Lane to the Fast Lane! It nurtures and builds trust so you can turn $20 readers into $20,000 mentees!

The best part is… I’ve only just scratched the surface.

I continue to test and experiment along each step of this book funnel. From copy to ads, offers and pricing points… nothing remains the same. It doesn’t take a lot of upkeep, either. 

Just a few tweaks here and there. It all comes down to mindset and knowing what you want from a book funnel like this.

Short-term wins…

or long-term success!

It’s an easy answer for me. After reading this, I hope it’s an easy one for you too.

Book Funnel—Conclusions & Next Steps

We began this guide by asking if you need a book funnel…

In today’s competitive landscape, the answer is simple: YES!!

You just cannot stand out without a book funnel that takes your audience on a specific journey. This not only helps you shift more copies but turn readers into much higher-paying customers/clients.

This is important. Unless you have a huge traditional contract and sell a few million copies, a book on its own won’t change your life. It certainly won’t take your business to the next level!

Yet with the right book funnel, you can leverage your book in ways that transforms everything!

This is what I’ve found, and it’s a journey I continue to take. I’ve enjoyed sharing it with you in this guide, and I hope you’ve received a lot of value from it. Yet this isn’t where the value ends.

So much more exists inside the book itself—so grab your copy of The Nuclear Effect NOW 👈👈

  1. You get to see this book funnel in action
  2. You receive some seriously next-level advice on how to scale your business

See for yourself on this page and read the reviews written by real readers. I’m so proud of this book, but more importantly the impact it’s having. Best of all, we’ve only just begun. There’s a lot more to come!

Four Frameworks

FREE Guide for Entrepreneurs

The 21 Laws Of Scaling A Profitable Business

I discovered 21 principles Entrepreneurs can use to scale their businesses with alignment and harmony…

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